My mom is a nurse and she says it is in the ear butmy dad is a Pharmacist and he says it is in the teeth.
I think the worst possible pain is whatever pain, physical or emotional, that pushes any person beyond their point of tolerance.I don't think anyone can say that it is one type or another type. What is brutal for one person is more tolerable to another etc. And I'll share one thing from personal experience. In pain management they just love to have a pain scale and ask you how bad the pain is from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst possible pain you can imagine. Well, sadly, I have so far twice learned that what I believed to be a pain wasn't. So until we find a pain that is worse, there is no way to know how bad it can get. (I sure hope I never find out again).And let's not forget specific problems, burns come to mind, where it is VERY hard to medicate the pain so there is little relief. At least pain in either the ear or the teeth would respond to medication in most situations.So sorry but I disagree with both of your parents. And I don't think it is one specific pain. It is when any pain is beyond bearing for a person. To me that is definately the worst possible pain!
imagine someone cutting ur nerves and pulling them out.
Labor pain in the worst and it is equal to toothache. on the pain scale of 10.
The worst pain that is possible for somebody to suffer is usually nerve pain. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in which it's the most painful thing that I've even gone through in fact it's so painful that I can't even describe the pain very well, but people who suffer from nerve pain it only takes a few words to describe it and they understand what it feels like, but all I can tell it is that the worst pain you can suffer is nerve pain which can be anywhere in your body.
personally, psychological pain, like breaking up with the one you been seeing forever or losing a loved one. All the conseling and medication in the world can't mend and heal a broken mind or heart.
They are both wrong---it's the labor pains that lead to childbirth.
Take the worst pain you ever experienced, and multiply by one hundred.
That's not even CLOSE to how much labor hurts!It's a good thing the memory of that pain fades, or no woman would do it twice, and humans would become extinct!
Sciatica is the worse pain you could ever imagine.
I say from personal experience it's when your brain has just endured surgery and it has swollen up afterwards. The pain was excruciating and went on day after day and morphine didn't even help it in my case. I did survive it all.
a toothache and labor pains are the worst. I've had broken bones and nothing compared to those 2 I just mentioned.
In my opinion, the worst pain possible is any kind of back pain.
A burn seems to be the most painful to me. To give you a look into my perspective, my experience is:
Numerous surgeries (I awakened during my gall bladder surgery),
spinal pain from 3 herniated discs,
nerve pain from compressed spinal cord and pinched nerve roots,
chronic pain syndrome etc. etc.
I have to say that the migraines rate pretty darned high on the list. I'd take surgery any day over a migraine...unless it was a nose job.
pissing out a kidney stone with an extremely long d*ck
How about pancreatic cancer? Imagine an organ digesting itself. However any cancer can be awful. Imagine an organ anywhere in the body expanding over its boundaries and crowding other spots. All I know is that pain is real and must be relieved to the best of our abilities.
As a healthcare provider I can say from a medical perspective that pain is subjective. 'Pain is in the eye of the beholder'. How do we measure pain as providers? We don't.the patient does.the one who's suffering does... it's what THEY are feeling. No two people are the same. So we often ask patients to rate their pain for us to give us some idea of how bad they feel. You can't pick a body part or an illness and say that it causes the most pain. It's just too individual to do that.
Per literature, no.1 is heart attack(feels like an elephant sitting on your chest),2-labor pain,3-kidney stone specially when pain during blockade...
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