Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is the worst injury you have ever had and how did it happen??

and don't say a broken heart!
i had a brain hemerage! i got it at the gym from over exerting myself. it was excruciating and i spent 2 weeks in hospital and had to have a lumbar puncure! that was not nice either.
The one I got from falling of my chair after seeing your picture. Worth a bruised bottom and ego I say.
Head injuries in a car crash, years ago, so now just a faded , painful memory
i fell 259 meters down off a building and broke my toe,auch
I got my finger cut off in a grew back!
Sprayed with molten lead when I dropped some damp pipe in the pot.
All injuries were minor but very frightening as my eyes were burned and I did not know that it was not serious until I was examined in hospital.
Well, nothing too major or life threatening, just a broker leg while surfing in Hawaii. Brutal wipe out.
I broke my arm in 3 different places, some of the small bones in my wrist falling of a dirt bike.
not sure which one worse; mashed in the coalmines, had 6 1/2 tons on me. 2.breaking my back twice.(2 differnt times).
The worst I remember is when I was 8 yrs old, standing on a wall about 3 ft high talking to friends in the garden, I fell off the wall, put my hand to my head and saw LOTS of blood! pure panic i ran home and in the back door, where there was a mirror on the wall, my whole face was soaking in blood it looked horrendous! I was scared stiff! I'm 41 now and still have that scar, but the sheer fright of looking at myself in that mirror will stay with me forever, if you cut your forehead apparently is bleeds alot, they're not kidding when they say that!
I know is not a bad injury and I have been very lucky in my life, but the fear factor was way up there!
Compared to others mine isn't that bad (heck I've been healthy most of my life, sickly yes but not enough to warrant hospitalisation), I fell down some stairs and fractured my ankle. That wasn't the worst part though, I didn't want to go to the GP so I left it and it healed funny and now my ankle is totally weak. My GP has since checked it and reckons the bone fused together again in a funny position. It's a shame really, I tried skating the other week (first time since the accident) and I couldn't do it for very long cos my ankle couldn't support me. Oh well, my stupid fault.Either that or when I bit my tongue in half when I was about 6 or 7 (I'm not sure which injury is worse, they both hurt like hell). I was running for lunch at school and I tripped and cracked my chin on my lunchbox (boy was I excited about my cheese and ketchup sandwiches *lol*), I bit my tongue and blood literally went everywhere (you'd be surprised how much blood there is in the tongue). I put so many people off their lunch that day. I still have a scar on my tongue and can feel it if I rub my tongue across my upper teeth (it's like a flap of skin). Totally gross, but a great anecdote.
I had my man bits mangled when I was a child on the back of a friends bike, I fell off the seat onto the wheel as we were going down hill and they were badly shredded between the wheel and the frame but have had a quite impressive reconstruction done.
i got my wife pregnant,don't know how it happened, well i think it was me.
I was skiing in middle school and lost a ski off a jump and snapped though the lower bone of my leg. I've never felt a worse pain when they were taking the boot off.When they casted me up, they didn't check my knees and didn't find out until 3 years later that it caused problems in both knees. Had to have surgery on both and now have artritis in my right knee at the ripe old age of 30...
a broken heart!
no, actually, i took off half my face cycling and broke my leg.
I broke my spine,they removed the broken bits and fixed the vertebrae.I am 99% better!!
Broken arm, not too drastic, slipped on ice!
My car slipped out of gear when I was opening our gate and ran over my leg. My leg was in a J. I broke my tib twice and my fib once. The tib came through my leg. I had to have a rod and three pins put into my leg. I am actually recovering for this injury right now.
I sprained my ankle playing basketball.I tried to walk it off and dislocated it (guess it was worse sprain than I thought)
I served in Iraq in 1990/91. Taking an unofficial shortcut by landrover to our next poiint, we stopped to check our position. We decided to take a leak, and we all piled out. The driver stayed behind the wheel. As I got out the back and stood with my back to the rover, Our driver said "fck it" and got out too. There was an almighty flash and a thump and everything went black for a couple of seconds.He stood on a landmine, and was killed instantly. My guys to the left - one lost his left leg and his right foot, one was killed, and me at the back took the brunt from passing under the rover. I was left with shattered feet, shins and knee caps, along with various points of shrapnel around the mid-riff and top left side of my body.That was the physical injuries, but the mental side still is with me on a day to day basis. I would certainly state that I would have rather died on the spot, than live with the memory.
When i was 18 months old i fell down two steps and landed with my eye on the thing you turn the heat up on the radiator with except the cap was broken so it was just like a big metal spike, it went into the top of my eye socket i was lucky i wasnt blinded but its got a big %26gt; shaped scar above my right eye lol.
After hearing Diggers, Nothing can compare to his. Digger my thoughts and prays are with you. God Bless You. And to all of the men and women who are serving our country. May God be with you and your family.
Wow some people have had some bad injuries. Mine nothing really. When I was at school I shut the school gates as I did I trapped my thumb. It went so purple I had to have blood drained from it. The nail fell off and a new one grew back, thank god.
shattered leg (tibia/fibula), it had 8 fractures which are still healing. happened 5 months ago - i got hit by a car (hit and run). they kept me in hospital for 7 hours without pain killers, moving from one bed to another for tests before i finally got the first surgery. nobody cared that i screamed all the time (i didnt even know i can scream that loud), never cried.
Fallingf 20 feet out of a tree directly onto my wrist, dislocating 2 bones and shattering what was leftAnd Falling on my ankle and then having to get it drilled into in surgery,,on crutches for 6 weeks
Severed my Achille's Tendon and very slightly cut into my Posterior Tibial artery. Stupid me, didn't go to a doctor that night. Next morning, woke up in the hospital. Doc's told me I went into shock due to massive blood loss. Always, always control the bleeding before going to sleep! Took surgery and 8 months to get me walking again.
Happened by falling on a large piece of porcelin.
groin pull...playing softball.....
i fell on the outside rim of the bath and split the inside of my ladies part clean open. i had to have 8 stitches and it hurt like you wouldn't believe. thankfully no lasting damage as i had 4 children,but by the Christ it hurt. xxx
Severed my left Achilles Tendon but strangely though it was the most severe that wasn't the one that hurt the most since the cut severed all the nerves and I barely felt a thing from shock. The pain finally hit me when the doctor stuck a 5" long needle up into the tendon itself. Yeah, THAT hurt!How did it happen? I wish I had a better story... I was sitting on a folding table with some friends and the table collapsed. The metal edge of the table came down like a guillotine into the back of my ankle and severed the Achilles clean through. Always remember, tables are for glasses, not asses!
My 25 yr old daughter wasn't wearing a seatbelt %26 got thrown from the car when it rolled. She had a severly depressed skull fracture, a broken neck in 2 places, a torn spleen, 2 pelvis breaks, a torn rotator cuff, a knee injury,nerve damage in her arm, torn meniscus in her knee, bruised lungs, separated %26 broken ribs. Severe road rash.
That was 1 1/2 yrs ago. She was back to work after 8 months %26 is truly a miracle, according to her many many Dr's.
So to all you people out there that don't wear seatbelts, let this be a lesson.
P.S. 3 other people in the car who were wearing seatbelts had minor injuries, like broken arms.
The worst thing that has ever happened to me was having TMJ. I have been in a severe automobile accident (totaled the car), broken my arm completely in two, had several febrile seizures as a child, whip lash, strep throat several times, hysterectomy, bore two children naturally, bladder/rectocile repair, and VERY bad hemmrroids but the absolute WORST is the TMJ! After my father died, I gritted my teeth while sleeping (and while awake I'm sure alot too) until I developed TMJ so bad that I couldn't even brush my teeth. I couldn't chew any foods, I couldn't do anything that required pressure on my jaw. I couldn't kiss my husband or my children, It hurt to talk, to chew, to do pretty much anything. I had a severe case of it. I tried the splints that they make for you and they didn't work for me. I've heard many success stories from them, but I guess mine was just so severe that it didn't work. Mine required surgery and that was the most well spent money ever! I've been pain free for three years.

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