Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is the best way to give up smoking?

chop your hands off stops you holding them!!
Dying from lung cancer?
quit, cold turkey, I did, I've been smoke free for 2 years, chew ALOT of gum especially peppermint it really helps!
Good Luck and don't give up! just get it in your mind that you are done with smoking and make a commitment to yourself and your health! :}
Drink plenty of water, exercise and just don't think of the cigarette
Change or make such friends gathering who dont smoke at will automatically reduce and one day it will easily vanish from your life...
Buy a waterbed and fill it with petrol.
You have to want it bad enough to stop. No one can do it for you their is no magical way to have it done for you.
probley a patch or pill
It's really, really hard, but I managed to quit for good about two years ago. Just keep reminding yourself how much more money you'll have each week when you don't smoke (after a week of having bronchitis, I had $70 more dollars than I would have if I wasn't sick that week. That was good motivation.) I also carried a baggie full of grapes around, and tried to keep an arsenal of healthy snacks. The first three weeks were the hardest, but once you get past that, it shouldn't be as bad. What works for me might not work for you, but I thought I'd try to give some encouragement!! Good luck!!
The best way is to never let a cigarette touch your lips. Remember - - - Smoke- - Choke - - Croak.
Just quit cold turkey. Dwell on your quit as little as possible.
I smoke a pack a day, have tried to quit multiple times (trying almost every product for smoking cessation out there in the process), and still haven't been successful. So I can't tell you the *guaranteed* best way to quit smoking, but I can tell you that I was most successful (quit for 6 months) using combination therapy - nicotine patches, zyban, and the nicotine lozenge as needed for really powerful cravings. The real key, though, is behavioral modification (to combat the psychological addiction), and that's where I eventually fail. You have to totally stop doing everything that your mind links to smoking - unfortunately, for a long-time smoker, this is incredibly hard, because your mind has linked smoking to most of your common activities. I stopped drinking alcohol and going out to bars, because there's just no way I could continue to do that and not smoke. I stopped hanging out with other smokers, because the temptation to bum one was just too great. I stopped using my cell phone outdoors because I had a strong urge to smoke while talking on the phone. I stopped driving for a while and took the bus, because I wanted to light up every time I got stuck in traffic. I stopped drinking coffee and started drinking tea instead, because coffee reminded me of smoking too strongly. I lasted 6 months like this, and although it was hard at first, I got used to it. Then I broke one of the cardinal rules (stay away from other smokers!) and started dating a guy who smokes. I was smoking again within a couple weeks. *sigh*
I am a smoker so obviously it didnt work for me. But i can tell you how i quit and why it didnt work. I quit cold turkey because I hate gum and the patch made me very jittery. I did really good for about 6 months. THEN i thought i could get away with having an occassional cig with my co worker just to take a break. Kept having one a day with her for a few months then started with "Oh, i can smoke when i go out with my friends". Pretty soon it was more and more.
My advise.. Do NOT think you can have an occasional smoke. You have to completely quit and stay away from them. Try to avoid going places that is too tempting to smoke, like a bar. and you may need to stay away from other smokers for a while. Good luck! I plan to quit again really soon.
I used to smoke 40 a day and always went cold turkey when trying to give up. My worst time was if I was in a pub. In the end I just cut down. I found if I went out without any I would just smoke my boyfriends but then I always carried one in my bag and knew I could have it when ever I wanted. Somehow it worked it did take a while tho. More than anything I found it was really coz I didn't have anything to do with my hands. I also saw some pretty gross photos of smokers lungs. Apart from that your breath stinks and so do your clothes. I haven't touched one for 2 years now and don't think I ever will again. GOOD LUCK!
Totally avoid people who smoke and places where smoking is the norm. Instead seek the opposites of triggers of your habit/compulsion - go where smoking is abnormal, where there are no reminders (eg NO SMOKING notices!), where there clean and healthy alternatives to other peoples' sheep-herd stupidity damaging your health and wealth. Keep at it. you'll win, soon. And the feeling is wonderful, well worth the effort, when you've got there.
try nicotine replacement therapy. try the gum or patch. think about the people you love and put a picture of them in front of the cigarette package. set a quit date. call the help lines. theres no one best way, some people quit cold turkey, some will quit after 12 failed attempts. talk to people, tell them you want to quit, and make sure they help you quit by not allowing you to smoke around them.
everytime tou take a drag tell yourself that this is killing you. eventually your body will get the idea then its up to you.
when i stopped smoking 10 months ago, i decided to stop at the last minute and had just 1 cigarette left, i put it in the drawer, (just 4 emergencies) and everytime i wanted to have a smoke i thought to myself, if i still want one in 20 minutes i will, and i carried on like that, then after 3 days i could feel myself wanting a smoke badly so i went to the doctors and they gav me nicotinel patches for 12 weeks. they worked for me, i still crave one sometimes but i dont give in, cos wheni smell the smoke it makes me feel sicky, so i just think of that if im wanting one. hope it makes sense and good luck.
just stop...who is the boss you or the cigarrete are you that weak........ you a winner or a looser......... yourself a favor STOP
well ive tried lots of methods, still smoking im afraid sorry cant help chuck! but good luck trying hope you succeedx
i'm not rally sure if this will work for you, but my grandfather was once a smoker and he quit by chewing gum like ALL the time.
Nicotine replacement therapy recommended by NICE guidelines. Ask your pharmacist for advice.
don't buy any cigarette's,lol xxx

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