Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is the reason that causes the tips of my fingers to tingle or go numb?

For example, I've noticed that when I eat something sugary after a while my hands willl tingle and my finger tips will go numb a bit- the same thing happens after I eat garlic.
The blood vessels of the fingers are lacking the supply of blood needed in that area, which affects the nerves and causes a tingling feeling or numbness. Tingling of the fingers, usually leads to numbness after some time. The most common reason for tingling/numbness in fingers/hands is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by repetitive motion of hands; such as typing, sewing, knitting, work related use of hands, etc. There are other causes for tingling in the hands/feet, medication being one of them. But, since you mentioned 'eating something sugary,' sounds more like diabetes. Have you had your blood sugar checked lately? Whether low blood sugar, or high blood sugar both are considered to be a form of diabetes. I found some informative links you might want to read through, to see if any of the symptoms apply to you. The correct medical term for this condition is 'peripheral neuropathy.'

Description, cause, and treatment of peripheral neuropathy: Peripheral Neuropathy:

Other causes for tingling/numbness in fingers:
Now might be a good time to visit your family doctor.
Tell him what you posted, and he'll do bloodwork.
Perhaps you are allergic. That's the only advice I can offer. Maybe you should ask a doctor.
It could be a problem with your blood sugar. You may also lack some vitamins and minerals. I had the same problem and it was heavy metal toxins in my blood. Ask you doctor to do extensive blood tests.
There is a condition called Raynaud's syndrome that causes the small blood vessels in the fingers, and sometimes toes to constrict when cold, but it doesn't have anything to do with what you eat. It happens to me if I am handling things in my fridge or freezer, or cold steering wheel. It also happens if I get generally cold-like in air conditioning, and winter is tough. I don't know how your internal thermostat works, but I am one of those people who is always cold, and frequently have numb fingers.
u might be starting to be diabetic .. don't worry .. this is a disease with which u can be friendly .. go and see Ur doctor , and follow exactly what he tells u ,, no matter how hard it is to follow .. It will be very hard at first .. but it will be a very easy to follow way of life , because it is going to be
shoot that is the sing of choloertstorl. you should go see a Dr.

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