Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is this called when a person does this in their sleep..?

When hes asleep, he randomly wakes up in shock for no reason. like its just a sudden shake when they wake up. Even if only hes in the room, he just wakes up like that in the middle of the night. wuts this called???
If he's waking up scared and confused, he could be having night terrors.
Sleep apnea (difficulty sleeping)
night terrors
its called that he has a sleeping problem or night terrors
He could have a type of sleep apnea. Perhaps his nasal passages are too narrow and become blocked, so his body removes him from sleep and forces him to remedy the problem.
Possibly sleep apnea, he needs a sleep study to determine how many times he really is stopping his regular breathing.
People with sleep apnea can wake themselves up hundreds of times a night and not even realize it. They usually wake up more tired than when they went to bed. Call a Dr. about a sleep study and the Dr. will get you in touch with a respiratory therapist which will set him up with a C-Pap machine. A C-Pap machine keeps the person with sleep apnea oxygenated. Works like a charm.

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