Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is the best way to quit smoking?

Also, which is better gum or patch
Just decide when he wants to quit %26 when he wakes up that morning don't have a cigarette %26 don't give in to the cravings. If he smokes one that day it will be to hard to not have another. The patch helps some people. I quit a little over a year ago. I had smoked for over 20 years, but I have asthma %26 after 2 bad asthma attacks in one day, I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks. Thats when I quit. I used the patch while I was in the hospital, but after I went home I didn't, it was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I started eating shelled sunflower seeds, pickles, olives, chewing gum, anything that would help me through the cravings. I walked a lot %26 tried to stay busy, that helped too. After awhile it starts to get easier. The biggest thing is to just don't give in %26 even try one cigarette, or one drag off a cigarette, that will make it too hard not to want more. I hope this helps. Good Luck!
Patch!! most def
%26gt;%26gt;.Hypnotism was what helped me finally quit. I smoked for about 20 years and did not think I could do it. I just decided to give it a try, not really even wanting to quit but knowing that I needed to, and it worked. I have been a non-smoker for 25 months now! Good Luck!!
the pacth but just be strong and quit
Steven King wrote a great short story where you signed a contract. If you cheated and smoked a cigarette they would cut off one of your wife's finger.
Im not a smoker but the best way is cold turkey and have a strong will.also try the gum or the patch at frist.
Pray and ask God to help him. Also find other things to do.
Instead of having a pack of ciggs in his pocket he could have a small new testement.
Cold turkey! If you are using the patch or gum, you are till recieving small amounts of nicotine. It must be cold turkey and lots of encouragement from you.good Luck to your dad.
For quiting smoking a person should be mentally prepared for various kind of problems. I've tried 7 times! Mainly The thing is "Just Quit" Don't think about smoking. Gerally addiction stays for 5 minitus. After that time addiction goes away. And the most importent thing is- addiction will be atomaticly decreased after 2 weeks. #An article from the net: use this link-
I am sure your physician can give you a prescription to help curb your cravings for a smoke. There are more than one meds on the market now to help. I would start there first.
I had been a heavy duty smoker for many years. I quit cold turkey and it was rough for the first few days. I wanted to be completely free of nicotine so I didn't use any crutches. I feel the best way to quit smoking is to have the will and want to quit. Do it because you love yourself.

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