Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is the difference between a Dietician and a Nutritionist?

Dieticians are licensed by most states as Registered Dieticians (RD), meaning they require a bachelor's degree as well as post-graduate training in an accredited program. They must then pass a licensing exam and keep their license current by completing continuing education classes (CE's) for the entire time they are licensed. I believe they must also retake an exam every few years to keep their license. It is illegal to advertise yourself as a "Dietician" without a license, and most non-dieticians will try to weasel around this by referring to themselves as "Diet Specialist" or "Dietary Educator" or other such crock on their business cards.Nutritionists are not licensed by state boards, meaning it is not illegal to advertise yourself as a nutritionist, even if you didn't graduate from high school. Obviously, there are many reputable Bachelor's programs and colleges that offer formal, and, in many cases, quite good degrees in nutrition. However, there is no oversight or regulation of the term "nutritionist," nor is there a guarantee of any kind of training when you see one.On a side note, I can't believe anyone voted thumbs down on "I j"s answer! Who isn't impressed by his anagraming skillz? That's a great answer, dammit! :)
a dietician is better qualified i think.
education needed for the jobs
one will starve you to death and the other will give you nothing but crappy tasting food ...
Seems to me a dietitian deals with obesity problems and a nutritionist deals with balanced meals... even though both may deal with obesity...
A dietitian has excellent academic qualifications and board certifications. To advertise oneself as a dietitian, board certirficaiton is required.Anybody can call themselves a nutritionist, including personal trainers or people with a Bachelor's in Nutrition.DIETITIAN also anagrams to INITIATED, in case you happen to encounter it in Scrabble sometime.
A deitician helps you figure out ways to diet and lose weight and a nutritionist tells you what foods and drinks are good for your health.
I am a Nutritionist. I actually am graduating in one week with my bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics :). To be a nutritionist you must have at least a bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics. To become a dietician (a registered dietician or R.D.) you have to do an internship after your bachelor's degree that lasts around 9 months. A nutritionist usually works in government such as a health department and a Registered Dietician can work in hospitals and makes more money than a nutritionist.
My school cafeteria had a dietician. I went to a nutritionist to find out about a diet. I don't think the dietician had that many classes in college but the nutritionist had a degree.They both have studied dietics:di路e路tet路ics (d-ttks) KEY NOUN:
(used with a sing. verb)
The study of nutrition as it relates to health. Also called sitology .

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