Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is the pain i feel on my upper abdomen just below the rib when i jog?

is it good or bad?
i've been jogging for 2 straight months already.and never felt the pain till yesterday..
i'm 15yrs old male
the pain starts after i've jogged about 1.2km.
when i feel the pain i am forced to walk..
NEED your help!! =)
Jared,This phenomena is often called stich in the side and occurs due to over contraction of the diaphram, one of the major muscles of inspiration. Try the breathing technique that was mentioned in one of the previous answers. I breath in through my nose for 2 or two snorts and then out for three through my mouth. It may also be due to running to far to soon, if you did not ramp up to running either by distance or time that could be part of the problem as well.
Over-doing it.try breathing techniques while for 2...out for 3...
Your muscles are giving you a signal that they are being overused. You need to cut back a little bit on your jogging. At night take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts and soak for 30 minutes. This is going to help relax the muscles and give them a chance to recover. If this doesn't help see your medical doctor.
i get that too! it could be fermenting in your muscles meaning you are getting cramps. getting running cramps is completely normal. and dont worry, these kinds of cramps have nothing to do with vava's

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