Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is the best way to look afer tatoo just 4 days old it is starting to scab over?

the best way to keep it from drying up on the upper arm ive had 4 done previous to this but had a new tatooist thanks
Clean, unmedicated wad over the tattoo, held in place by
elasticated bandage. This will protect you if you are
accidentally bumped into, or bang your arm against
anything. Put this in place when you are out and about.
Otherwise leave it uncovered. Air is a natural healer.Don't be tempted to pick it. You can ruin the tattoo. The
scabs will fall off of their own accord when they are
ready.And the price of tattoos nowadays, you won't want it
hmm wel, the same you did with the others. they all scab, its only if they start going yellowy and crusty and really painful then you've got problems..:| i actually used savlon after i had the antibiotics, and it healed alot quicker. im going to be using that after i get it re done. peersonally, i would use savlon cream to keep it moisturised rather than the gel.
You don't want it too dry so that it cracks. Apply a light moisturiser 2/3 times a day. Avoid soaking it in the bath/shower cause that makes it too soft.
It will be itchy too, but resist the urge to scratch or pick.
If you've had one on your upper arm, lower back, ankle or tummy then it's bound to look awful and trashy anyway....tattoos look so tacky on girls, whatever they have done.
Just spread liberally with Vaseline a few times per day to keep it supple and stop the scab cracking.
You have to keep it moist. Cover it with a good cream and try to work it in. You should do this at least 4 times a day. DO NOT cover it with a bandage as it also needs the air to heal properly.
keep your new tattoo out of the day light! wash it with soap ,water ,and your hand,not a rag!! pat dry, apply triple anti-biotic! after 3or4 days change to hydro-cordizone,vitimin .e i ran tatts for twenty years as wildman tattoos this method has never failed ! keep it clean ,
bathe with salty warm water worked with me good luck
My dadoo stamp says "welcome to Jamacia, have a nice day!"
put pile (hemarroid) cream on it.will stop it drying
i had a massive owl tattoo'd on my back from shoulder to shoulder and that did the same, i found that using savlon cream worked wonders. and found it healed a lot quicker than my other tattoos iv had
Don't put vaseline on it! It acts as a barrier! I put Savlon cream on mine three or four times a day and it wasn't too bad!
Try using aquaphor to mositurize it. Make sure it's alway moist that way. Never ever use vaseline. That is a huge tattoo no no. Avoid getting it too wet. Stay away from bathtubs and swimming pools till it completly heal. Do not apply any bandage over it. Also, it will get really itchy so resist the urge to itch it.
apply savlon cream a couple of times a day allways worked for me
tattoos always scab do not put anything on it and do not scratch it as it ill fade colour
Haemorrhoid (piles) cream or Vaseline are what my tattooist recommends. Used Vaseline with all my tatts and they are perfect :o)
Pile cream. dont laugh. its amazing

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