Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is this problem?

I've been doing martial arts for over a year now. Recently I've been practising my spin kick but the other day whilst training so damn hard( just as I was going to do a spin kick in class)
my hands turned lobster red and I got pins and needles all over my arms. I kicked harder than I ever had before. When I woke up I had burst blood vessels on one of my hands and now ever time I try to do a spin kick the same thing happens??
Don't know, but there is a good chance that a doctor might...

What is this Pill? Small Pink Capsule with Red Band & a K 6 imprint?

Small pink capsule with a red band and an imprint of a K with a small triangle looking thing on the upper right stem of the K and the number 6. I found this pill in my niece's backpack wrapped in tissue. I was just borrowing a pen and and started to throw the tissue away when it fell out. I can't call my pharmacy because they are closed and I want to know what it is so that I can talk to her before she leaves in the morning. Could someone please help me? I'm really scared for her!
i would need to see the pill to help you but you can call the poison controll center and they will tell you.
p.s i tend to agree that it is benadryl. she probably has cramps.
Diphenhydramine 50mgs, a generic for Benadrylat least it isn't the "pill" but she may have a sleeping pill addiction might help
its benedryle, give it to the dog next door and sleep well.

What is this pill hour glass 4443 other side 600 white oval ?

Oval white tablet imprinted Ivax logo 4443 on one side and 600 on the other side is 600 mg gabapentin (generic Neurontin).Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat certain types of nerve pain.BTW the Ivax logo is described as two upside down triangles a bow tie symbol and also an hourglass symbol.
It is gabapentin 600 mg.
That's what it is but when you don't know always call poison control. They are more than happy to tell you.

What is this odd pain in my head?

Its on the back right side of my head. It started an hour ago and it's hurting really bad!I wasn't doing anything aside from using the computer before the pain began. Any ideas?
Go do something and get away from the computer for a long while. i'm serious. i used to have this feeling like my brains were leaking out the back of my skull, but that was when i woke up in the morning.
Most likely stress...Lay down and get some good sleep and it will be gone when you wake up.If it persists for more than 3 days, try to see a doc...
this is called a headache. treat with advil/tylenol and get rest.

What is this lump on my back?

Recently, about 4 days ago I discovered this lump on my back. It's located on the lower left side of my back. It's not on the spine. I noticed it when I was about to lay down on the bed and felt this discomfort in my back. I quickly got up and felt it and was this lump. It's hard. I'm going to the Dr. this evening but, what could it be??
Cysts can appear anywhere in the body a doctor can tell just by feeling it what it is.. and you can live the rest of your life with them or you can have them removed. They are like an internal pimple its red round, filled with the same stuff a regular pimple is filled like. I have had a couple of them and got to see them. The doctor usually is careful about getting to them he says they smell bad if cut open.. removed using a local anesthetic and it takes less than 30 minutes.
Probably just a cist. It can easily be removed.
pilonidal cyst.

What is this flashing?

when i look at some thing bright i see stars is this normal i am very worried in case there is somehting wrong
Get checked by an ophthalmologist. This could be a sign of retina problems which can be cured easily if diagnosed right away.
go get your eyes tested then
It happens to me aswell, not sure why thou
Sounds like you're very tired or getting a migraine. How long have you had it? Have you checked the carbon monoxide emissions from your gas fire?
you could have problems with your bloodpreasure if i were you i would go %26 have a word with your doctor
im no optometrist but it looks like u have cataract its nothing serious a small operation
are you blonde if so theres your answer
quit looking into the sun.go have your eyes checked,if they check out ok,then go see and eye ,nose and throat doctor.

What is this called when a person does this in their sleep..?

When hes asleep, he randomly wakes up in shock for no reason. like its just a sudden shake when they wake up. Even if only hes in the room, he just wakes up like that in the middle of the night. wuts this called???
If he's waking up scared and confused, he could be having night terrors.
Sleep apnea (difficulty sleeping)
night terrors
its called that he has a sleeping problem or night terrors
He could have a type of sleep apnea. Perhaps his nasal passages are too narrow and become blocked, so his body removes him from sleep and forces him to remedy the problem.
Possibly sleep apnea, he needs a sleep study to determine how many times he really is stopping his regular breathing.
People with sleep apnea can wake themselves up hundreds of times a night and not even realize it. They usually wake up more tired than when they went to bed. Call a Dr. about a sleep study and the Dr. will get you in touch with a respiratory therapist which will set him up with a C-Pap machine. A C-Pap machine keeps the person with sleep apnea oxygenated. Works like a charm.

What is the worst physical pain that you have ever felt?

What is the worst physical pain that you have ever felt?
For me, it was when I ripped both of my corneas due to an eye disorder. Good times. I would rather die than have that happen again.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. The excruciating pain that I went though made me think I was going to die even though the disease will never kill me. I've also had a pretty good share of other painful things like 4 Spinal Cord Stimulator Surgeries, knee surgery, having my Spinal Cord Stimulator battery on a nerve in my hip (at least that's why they think it's so painful), having my hip incision have an allergic reaction to the adhesive that the doctor used to make the steri strips stick so I had to have the incision ooze fluid, have large blisters and then have it cleaned out with acetone. I guess that's the major most painful things that I have had so far even though I'm only 14.
i have wrecked cars fallen off stuff aned had all kinds of pains and aliment and the worst thing ever i think was getting a catheder put in ouch it hurst to think about it
I attempted to break my own arm. Needless to say, it hurt like all hell.
two things - second and third degree burns on my arm, and a migraine headache.
The worst pain I've ever had (while not under anesthesia) was when I had a lumbar epidural steroid injection for my chronic back problems (the initial surgery was in 2000). It was the most excruciating pain--even more so than when I gave birth to my son! The ***** of the whole thing was that it didn't even help my condition!
i managed to get mono and a bacteria infection in the back of my throat at the same time and couldn't eat or drink anything for majority of a week. that sucked. just swallowing was a pain in the ***.But you seem to take the cake. Ouuch.
Definitely after doing 4 performances of Beauty%26The Beast on a sprained ankle and then having my ankle pop out and back in pulling on a ligament.I have no idea how I was even walking!
a ruptured disk pushing into my spinal cord
When my third wife told me that she didn't love me anymore..
win i was 6 i was running up the stairs at the mall i slipped and hit my head on the cornner of a marble bench.. for a few days after i had a small dent in my forhead. man i get a hedach just thinking about it..
The worst pain I have ever felt was when I got hot wax into my eye. It hurt like hell and I burned my eye and I was flushing my eye out but we had to take me to the emergency room and fiz my eye it hurt so bad eyes or like so senssitive ha?
giving birth
One of the worst would have to be when my friend scratch me in the eye, my accident, and scratched my cornea. Talk about painful.
Another painful thing was about a year ago when I cut two of my fingers on the top crease thing. The cut was pretty deep and bled a lot.
Also another painful time was when I was walking and I just fell, hit my chin on cement and sprained my ankles.
Oh and also last summer when I was heating up gum over a candle and some of it fell off and gave me either a second or third degree burn, Which ever one gives you a blister thing. Hurt like hell.
Why yes, I am rather clumsy and also rather stupid.
Dislocated and broken shoulder!
Definately when I broke my tibia %26 fibula and fucked up my knee going foot first into the post playing rugby.
UTI also ripped ligament in my leg that i heard rip...lovely.

What is the worst pain possible??

My mom is a nurse and she says it is in the ear butmy dad is a Pharmacist and he says it is in the teeth.
I think the worst possible pain is whatever pain, physical or emotional, that pushes any person beyond their point of tolerance.I don't think anyone can say that it is one type or another type. What is brutal for one person is more tolerable to another etc. And I'll share one thing from personal experience. In pain management they just love to have a pain scale and ask you how bad the pain is from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst possible pain you can imagine. Well, sadly, I have so far twice learned that what I believed to be a pain wasn't. So until we find a pain that is worse, there is no way to know how bad it can get. (I sure hope I never find out again).And let's not forget specific problems, burns come to mind, where it is VERY hard to medicate the pain so there is little relief. At least pain in either the ear or the teeth would respond to medication in most situations.So sorry but I disagree with both of your parents. And I don't think it is one specific pain. It is when any pain is beyond bearing for a person. To me that is definately the worst possible pain!
imagine someone cutting ur nerves and pulling them out.
Labor pain in the worst and it is equal to toothache. on the pain scale of 10.
The worst pain that is possible for somebody to suffer is usually nerve pain. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in which it's the most painful thing that I've even gone through in fact it's so painful that I can't even describe the pain very well, but people who suffer from nerve pain it only takes a few words to describe it and they understand what it feels like, but all I can tell it is that the worst pain you can suffer is nerve pain which can be anywhere in your body.
personally, psychological pain, like breaking up with the one you been seeing forever or losing a loved one. All the conseling and medication in the world can't mend and heal a broken mind or heart.
They are both wrong---it's the labor pains that lead to childbirth.
Take the worst pain you ever experienced, and multiply by one hundred.
That's not even CLOSE to how much labor hurts!It's a good thing the memory of that pain fades, or no woman would do it twice, and humans would become extinct!
Sciatica is the worse pain you could ever imagine.
I say from personal experience it's when your brain has just endured surgery and it has swollen up afterwards. The pain was excruciating and went on day after day and morphine didn't even help it in my case. I did survive it all.
a toothache and labor pains are the worst. I've had broken bones and nothing compared to those 2 I just mentioned.
In my opinion, the worst pain possible is any kind of back pain.
A burn seems to be the most painful to me. To give you a look into my perspective, my experience is:
Numerous surgeries (I awakened during my gall bladder surgery),
spinal pain from 3 herniated discs,
nerve pain from compressed spinal cord and pinched nerve roots,
chronic pain syndrome etc. etc.
I have to say that the migraines rate pretty darned high on the list. I'd take surgery any day over a migraine...unless it was a nose job.
pissing out a kidney stone with an extremely long d*ck
How about pancreatic cancer? Imagine an organ digesting itself. However any cancer can be awful. Imagine an organ anywhere in the body expanding over its boundaries and crowding other spots. All I know is that pain is real and must be relieved to the best of our abilities.
As a healthcare provider I can say from a medical perspective that pain is subjective. 'Pain is in the eye of the beholder'. How do we measure pain as providers? We don't.the patient does.the one who's suffering does... it's what THEY are feeling. No two people are the same. So we often ask patients to rate their pain for us to give us some idea of how bad they feel. You can't pick a body part or an illness and say that it causes the most pain. It's just too individual to do that.
Per literature, no.1 is heart attack(feels like an elephant sitting on your chest),2-labor pain,3-kidney stone specially when pain during blockade...

What is the worst injury you have ever had and how did it happen??

and don't say a broken heart!
i had a brain hemerage! i got it at the gym from over exerting myself. it was excruciating and i spent 2 weeks in hospital and had to have a lumbar puncure! that was not nice either.
The one I got from falling of my chair after seeing your picture. Worth a bruised bottom and ego I say.
Head injuries in a car crash, years ago, so now just a faded , painful memory
i fell 259 meters down off a building and broke my toe,auch
I got my finger cut off in a grew back!
Sprayed with molten lead when I dropped some damp pipe in the pot.
All injuries were minor but very frightening as my eyes were burned and I did not know that it was not serious until I was examined in hospital.
Well, nothing too major or life threatening, just a broker leg while surfing in Hawaii. Brutal wipe out.
I broke my arm in 3 different places, some of the small bones in my wrist falling of a dirt bike.
not sure which one worse; mashed in the coalmines, had 6 1/2 tons on me. 2.breaking my back twice.(2 differnt times).
The worst I remember is when I was 8 yrs old, standing on a wall about 3 ft high talking to friends in the garden, I fell off the wall, put my hand to my head and saw LOTS of blood! pure panic i ran home and in the back door, where there was a mirror on the wall, my whole face was soaking in blood it looked horrendous! I was scared stiff! I'm 41 now and still have that scar, but the sheer fright of looking at myself in that mirror will stay with me forever, if you cut your forehead apparently is bleeds alot, they're not kidding when they say that!
I know is not a bad injury and I have been very lucky in my life, but the fear factor was way up there!
Compared to others mine isn't that bad (heck I've been healthy most of my life, sickly yes but not enough to warrant hospitalisation), I fell down some stairs and fractured my ankle. That wasn't the worst part though, I didn't want to go to the GP so I left it and it healed funny and now my ankle is totally weak. My GP has since checked it and reckons the bone fused together again in a funny position. It's a shame really, I tried skating the other week (first time since the accident) and I couldn't do it for very long cos my ankle couldn't support me. Oh well, my stupid fault.Either that or when I bit my tongue in half when I was about 6 or 7 (I'm not sure which injury is worse, they both hurt like hell). I was running for lunch at school and I tripped and cracked my chin on my lunchbox (boy was I excited about my cheese and ketchup sandwiches *lol*), I bit my tongue and blood literally went everywhere (you'd be surprised how much blood there is in the tongue). I put so many people off their lunch that day. I still have a scar on my tongue and can feel it if I rub my tongue across my upper teeth (it's like a flap of skin). Totally gross, but a great anecdote.
I had my man bits mangled when I was a child on the back of a friends bike, I fell off the seat onto the wheel as we were going down hill and they were badly shredded between the wheel and the frame but have had a quite impressive reconstruction done.
i got my wife pregnant,don't know how it happened, well i think it was me.
I was skiing in middle school and lost a ski off a jump and snapped though the lower bone of my leg. I've never felt a worse pain when they were taking the boot off.When they casted me up, they didn't check my knees and didn't find out until 3 years later that it caused problems in both knees. Had to have surgery on both and now have artritis in my right knee at the ripe old age of 30...
a broken heart!
no, actually, i took off half my face cycling and broke my leg.
I broke my spine,they removed the broken bits and fixed the vertebrae.I am 99% better!!
Broken arm, not too drastic, slipped on ice!
My car slipped out of gear when I was opening our gate and ran over my leg. My leg was in a J. I broke my tib twice and my fib once. The tib came through my leg. I had to have a rod and three pins put into my leg. I am actually recovering for this injury right now.
I sprained my ankle playing basketball.I tried to walk it off and dislocated it (guess it was worse sprain than I thought)
I served in Iraq in 1990/91. Taking an unofficial shortcut by landrover to our next poiint, we stopped to check our position. We decided to take a leak, and we all piled out. The driver stayed behind the wheel. As I got out the back and stood with my back to the rover, Our driver said "fck it" and got out too. There was an almighty flash and a thump and everything went black for a couple of seconds.He stood on a landmine, and was killed instantly. My guys to the left - one lost his left leg and his right foot, one was killed, and me at the back took the brunt from passing under the rover. I was left with shattered feet, shins and knee caps, along with various points of shrapnel around the mid-riff and top left side of my body.That was the physical injuries, but the mental side still is with me on a day to day basis. I would certainly state that I would have rather died on the spot, than live with the memory.
When i was 18 months old i fell down two steps and landed with my eye on the thing you turn the heat up on the radiator with except the cap was broken so it was just like a big metal spike, it went into the top of my eye socket i was lucky i wasnt blinded but its got a big %26gt; shaped scar above my right eye lol.
After hearing Diggers, Nothing can compare to his. Digger my thoughts and prays are with you. God Bless You. And to all of the men and women who are serving our country. May God be with you and your family.
Wow some people have had some bad injuries. Mine nothing really. When I was at school I shut the school gates as I did I trapped my thumb. It went so purple I had to have blood drained from it. The nail fell off and a new one grew back, thank god.
shattered leg (tibia/fibula), it had 8 fractures which are still healing. happened 5 months ago - i got hit by a car (hit and run). they kept me in hospital for 7 hours without pain killers, moving from one bed to another for tests before i finally got the first surgery. nobody cared that i screamed all the time (i didnt even know i can scream that loud), never cried.
Fallingf 20 feet out of a tree directly onto my wrist, dislocating 2 bones and shattering what was leftAnd Falling on my ankle and then having to get it drilled into in surgery,,on crutches for 6 weeks
Severed my Achille's Tendon and very slightly cut into my Posterior Tibial artery. Stupid me, didn't go to a doctor that night. Next morning, woke up in the hospital. Doc's told me I went into shock due to massive blood loss. Always, always control the bleeding before going to sleep! Took surgery and 8 months to get me walking again.
Happened by falling on a large piece of porcelin.
groin pull...playing softball.....
i fell on the outside rim of the bath and split the inside of my ladies part clean open. i had to have 8 stitches and it hurt like you wouldn't believe. thankfully no lasting damage as i had 4 children,but by the Christ it hurt. xxx
Severed my left Achilles Tendon but strangely though it was the most severe that wasn't the one that hurt the most since the cut severed all the nerves and I barely felt a thing from shock. The pain finally hit me when the doctor stuck a 5" long needle up into the tendon itself. Yeah, THAT hurt!How did it happen? I wish I had a better story... I was sitting on a folding table with some friends and the table collapsed. The metal edge of the table came down like a guillotine into the back of my ankle and severed the Achilles clean through. Always remember, tables are for glasses, not asses!
My 25 yr old daughter wasn't wearing a seatbelt %26 got thrown from the car when it rolled. She had a severly depressed skull fracture, a broken neck in 2 places, a torn spleen, 2 pelvis breaks, a torn rotator cuff, a knee injury,nerve damage in her arm, torn meniscus in her knee, bruised lungs, separated %26 broken ribs. Severe road rash.
That was 1 1/2 yrs ago. She was back to work after 8 months %26 is truly a miracle, according to her many many Dr's.
So to all you people out there that don't wear seatbelts, let this be a lesson.
P.S. 3 other people in the car who were wearing seatbelts had minor injuries, like broken arms.
The worst thing that has ever happened to me was having TMJ. I have been in a severe automobile accident (totaled the car), broken my arm completely in two, had several febrile seizures as a child, whip lash, strep throat several times, hysterectomy, bore two children naturally, bladder/rectocile repair, and VERY bad hemmrroids but the absolute WORST is the TMJ! After my father died, I gritted my teeth while sleeping (and while awake I'm sure alot too) until I developed TMJ so bad that I couldn't even brush my teeth. I couldn't chew any foods, I couldn't do anything that required pressure on my jaw. I couldn't kiss my husband or my children, It hurt to talk, to chew, to do pretty much anything. I had a severe case of it. I tried the splints that they make for you and they didn't work for me. I've heard many success stories from them, but I guess mine was just so severe that it didn't work. Mine required surgery and that was the most well spent money ever! I've been pain free for three years.

What is the worst freak accident to happen to you?

mine was while changing a tire to my little brother went and jacked the truck up just once more and wham the truck fell down and crushed my arm in between the truck frame and the wheel. happened so fast did not even know my arm was broken till i looked at it and saw it was L shaped. to this day i have no i dea how i managed to pull my arm out must have did it between one of the times the truck bounce off the the ground.
This is more indirect than direct. 2 weeks before our wedding, my wife took a tumble down some stairs, head first. She used to be a gymnast, so naturally she stuck out her arms to "prepare" for the landing, and broke BOTH of her elbows! Later, in the ER, the first thing she said to the doctor was "I'm getting married in 2 weeks, and you're NOT putting a cast on either of my arms!" Needless to say, she didn't get casts on. However, she was in a lot of pain for the next 2 weeks, and we had to put a "disclaimer" notice on everyone's seat at the wedding, saying "Due to a recent accident, the bride will be unable to accept any hugs." True story!
When I was in high school I was closing the car door and slammed it on my finger; in response to the pain I tried to pull my finger out, thus causing a cut. I went to the health office and got a band-aid, etc. Then I went to world history class and sat through the entire hour. When I got to math class the cut was bleeding through the band-aid and it turned out that the cut was all the way to the bone and I had to get stitches and have this huge gauzey thing wrapped around my finger. XD
A friend of mine was helping me work on my car.He was standing in front of it when he told me to start it up.Dumbass me hung through the window(forgetting it was a stick)and turned the key over and it jumped and plowed him right through the garage wall.To no avail,it broke both his legs and i quit driving for the longest time.
wen i was 6 i was picking straberries and i was walking backwards for a dumb reason and then there was a crate i tripd did a back flip and hit my head againts the boulder my head had broken my head i was bleading i go up to my mom and say can i have a napkin and after that all i can remember is waking up in a hospital 12 hour later
In middle school I opened a pressure cooker of boiled beans that didn't have all the pressure let out. No wonder it was so hard to open! The boiled beans exploded in my face and continued up to the ceiling. The heavy metal lid hit me on the chest, burning and cutting me and then fell on my foot. THAT was a really lousy day. I ended up with 3rd degree burns, but surprisingly I healed with no scars!NO pressure cookers are allowed in my house.

What is the worse pain possible?

emotional pain does the most damage.....but physically speaking...i used to think that bone fractures would be the i broke my arm and i've broken my thumb a few times. i've even had knee injuries (torn meniscus) but that wasn't as bad as the bone ones...just more inhibiting. however.two weeks ago, i woke up one morning in the WORST pain EVER. the night before was normal.i was 100% healthy and everything. then i woke up and turned my head.and BAM. my left-rear neck muscle thing cramped up. It was kinda like those cramps you get in the arch of your foot.but a million times worse. at first it just scared me. it forced my neck into a position i didn't want it in, which is the position i had it when i was sleeping. it was literally STUCK there. ANY motion at all, of my head, neck, mouth, tongue, or shoulders made that muscle spasm and return my neck to that position, whilst giving me the most pain i've ever felt in my life. i couldn't even cry because it hurt so bad. after a few excruciating hours, the doctor in the ER told me it was torticollus.which literally is like a very severe neck cramp. its caused by stress or even by sleeping with a fan on my neck (which was the cause of mine) it heals quickly.which makes it not that serious of a condition.but god does it hurt so much worse than broken bones..
i would say though...that the person saying the broken ribs stuff has some points..just to imagine's gotta hurt alot to.but its prolly not as scary as something in your neck that you can feel inside the bottom portion of your skull..
when you lose a loved one!
For me, broken ribs. Every freakin' time you take a breath, or move, it hurts. Forget sleeping, breathing, and get ready to cry or pass out should you cough or sneeze!
Medically speaking, bone pain is the worst kind possible. For example, drilling into your skull doesn't sound all that pleasant, does it?Hey, are you a Weezer fan? I love Weezer, and I noticed your name..
The worst pain that a person can suffer from is nerve pain. I suffer from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), in which it is the worse pain that I've ever experienced in my life. Any type of nerve pain is considered the worse pain that any person can possibly suffer from. I have CRPS and much of the pain is not even describable because it's so bad. Any type of nerve pain is that bad, and nerve pain is considered worse than even childbirth.
For me it was my liver biopsy. The pain doesn't last that long but it was incredible for the length of the procedure.
I think that burns are the worst pain there is.
there are 3 worst pain ever:
1) die
2) toothache
3) during delivery (give birth)
All depends on the person and how they well they tolerate pain. Bone pain is suppose to be a hard ache which is extremely unbearable. Kidney stone pain is extremely painful... I know because I had a kidney stone pass

What is the weirdest bone that you have ever broken?

Once I broke my sesamoid (little sesame shaped bone in my big toe) while running in high heels. PAIN like you wouldn't believe and took about 3 years to heal fully.
In retrospect, it's a funny bone to break (ha! funny bone).
I've broken rib bones many times performing CPR. The doctor would say, "that's good cpr" when you hear rib bones cracking. It's really an uncomfortable feeling though to feel bones crack under your own weight...and you continuously crack it!
I broke a bunch in my foot like a decade ago (that will teach me to kick a car door shut because I'm carrying heavy packages - boy, I know what you mean about a special brand of hurt) but I once managed to break my right zygomatic - which I just happen to like because it starts with "z" (its your cheekbone)
As a kid... i decided to pull a evil kanevil... and go down a huge hill in our neighborhood... on my bike... while wearing my new inline skates. ...
Needless to say... I "found" a stick... and broke my tail bone... Not too uncommon of a break... but lemme tell ya... that is some incredible pain. That was almost 10 years ago... and I still cant go to a movie theater without an ibprophin.
fun fun
lol... take care

What is the treatment for aches in the legs throughout the night?

I get aches and pains in my legs throughout the night that i compare to growing pains i got as a child what would a doctor or clinc prescibe for that and what is it?
I have pains in my legs too, I had polio as a little girl.
Doctor put me on - NEURONTIN_ It is not narcotic, it relaxes the nerve endings and you can sleep. I can't sleep without it.
I think it would really help you .

What is the treatment for a fractured vertebrate?

I wrecked my motorcycle recently and have been having alot of severe neck pain. Several people have said I may have a fractured vertebrate...the e.r. is not an option right now. will wearing a neck brace help at all? or what would a doctor likely do? thanks
Chances are that there is no fracture in your vertebrae but you absolutely should have an x-ray performed on your neck to make sure. If you do have a fractured cervical (neck) vertebrae then you risk PERMANENT PARALYSIS by disrupting your spinal cord. The E.R. is always an option unless you live in a third world country because in the USA (an probably most of the rest of the West) the ER must see you or find a place for you to be seen regardless of insurance or any other factor.
Wearing a brace is probably the only thing they would do unless you needed surgery.
I would get you a brace from a medical supply place and see if it helps since you can't get into the Dr. right now.
You need to get checked by a doctor and have x-rays done. If you have a fractured vertabrae in your neck, you might have some nerve damage which might get worse if you don't seek medical attention. I've worked as an intern in a hospital that specialized in rehabilitating people with spinal cord injuries - you must seek medical attention right away or you might face some nerve damage that might take a long time for you to recover from or may never heal.
If it's suspected that you have a fractured vertebra, you really should go to the ER. They can x-ray and evaluate your neck and condition. Any kind of dr which would probably be an orthopedic dr that you are referred to, will want x-rays anyway. Feel better!

What is the treatment for a chest sprain (that's what i think it is)?

there's this pain on the left side of my chest that i got during a hard swim practice. is comes every time i breathe really big, cough, sneeze, laugh, and twist to the sides. adults have told me that is probably a ligament injury or tear. i need to know how long it will take to heal! anybody with any knowledge on this?
If the pain is about 2 inches above the medial epichondial (the elbow) then it is quite possibly a diaphragm pull, I've seen it in distance runners and swimmers, this most usually subsides in 5-7 days if your careful not to further injure it during healing, this means take it easy but don't stop practicing unless it continues or gets worse.

What is the thing called when you go in to the hospital they sometimes put in your neck?

if it is called a treak I need the correct sopelling if that is right.
called a tracheotomy. a surgical procedure where a small hole is cut directly into the trachea (windpipe) to relieve an obstructed airway. it's also used on patients who have been on a ventilator (had a breathing tube put into their throat through their mouth) for a while and are now ready to slowly start breathing on their own.a trach collar is a small plastic piece that is put over the hole in the trachea that is used to attach the vent to the patient so they can are some links that might help
Tracheotomy-A tracheotomy or tracheostomy is a surgical procedure performed on the neck to open a direct airway through an incision in the trachea(the windpipe).
could be a tracheotomy where they cut a hole into the front of the neck to open a blocked airway...also could be a central line (like an IV) going into the blood stream but I dont know what your really hope it helps

What is the sucess rate for neck surgery ie; fusing discs?

LOL, I'm a RN working on a neurosurg unit as I'm typing. Its hard to give you a success rate. Lots a times it's no better and no worse. Very rarely you can come out much worse. I've got a pt right know who can't even grasp the med cup for his vicodens, but could before. All he had before was pain and burning now he's in pretty crappy shape. I know the pain can be terrible, but just don't think surg is going to change the world and it could make it much worse.
I know nothing about the surgery except I have 2 friends who have had this done and the recovery was great for both of them.
They were both very scared about the surgery but have completely recovered. One was done over 17 years ago so it isn't new procedures.
If you are talking about a pinched nerve in c4, c5, and c6, I am asking the same question. And so far, I can not bring myself to say yes.
Good luck in your decision.
I have some info You can type in on the search NECK for more info.

What is the starting pay for a home health aid?

I've been in home health for 10 years. Righ now in Nebraska the starting wage is around $9.00/hr. My company caps out at $13.00 if you are really experienced. You could put an ad in your local paper and do it privately and possibly make more (say around $10-$15/hr) but you would really want to have liability insurance to do that.
In many places, it is minimum wage...what ever that is, where you live.

What is the standard physical therapy initial evaluation format?

Even though most people have gotten away from hand written forms, most pre-printed forms still follow the SOAP format and may include any of the following information. (and then some...)S: (subjective). Chief compliant, pain (words to describe, intensity, location, duration, aggrevating/alleviating factors), self reported functional limiations, past medical history, results of diagnostic testing completed prior to visit, social history, prior level of function, patient goals, etc.
O: (objective)...the results of your exam: AROM/PROM, MMT, gait deviations, posture, balance, tone, muscle length, balance, transfers, standardized testing, etc.
A: (assessment). PT diagnosis, problem list, disabilities, short term goals, long term goals with prognosis
P: (plan): planned theraputic interventions, frequency and duration.

What is the side effect of waking up all night and sleeping in the morning?

my day start at 12 mid-day and I sleep for a hour or two at 4.00 and i stay up till 6.00 in the morning.
My boyfriend used to work from 10:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. He slept during the day. There were no major physical side effects; however, he missed seeing the sun, he got cranky easily, and he missed doing things with his loved ones during the day. We couldn't attend many social functions and vacationing was impossible. Now, that's just us. My co-worker's fiance works overnights, and he loves it. They make it work. Just depends on how you handle it.
none if you get enough sleep.
One quarter of the work force in industrialized countries perform some sort of shift work. Millions of Americans are considered shift workers, including doctors and nurses, pilots, bridge-builders, police officers, customer service representatives, commercial drivers, and others.
Sleepiness is common among shift workers, especially during the night shift: * 80% of shift workers feel tired during their night shift.
* 60% believe they doze off at work about once per week.
* 20% fall asleep on the night shift.
* Sleepiness in shift workers is similar to that seen in primary sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy. Reasons for sleepiness in shift workers are multiple: * Shift workers often do not get enough sleep before their shifts.
* Sleep after the shift is usually shortened (by an average of one-third).
* Even if adequate in duration, sleep near shifts is usually fragmented.
* The day-night cycle (circadian rhythm) of the brain and the body may get disrupted when working different shifts.
* Shift workers may have other primary sleep disorders independent of their work schedule. Consequences of sleepiness can be hazardous to the worker鈥檚 health and may cause suboptimal work performance: * Near-crashes when driving after night shifts are common.
* Shift workers are at increased risk for a variety of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.
* Shift workers often complain of insomnia, disrupted sleep schedules, reduced performance, difficulties with personal relationships, and irritability/depressed mood.
* Sleepiness effects are similar to that of moderate alcohol consumption.
* Several disasters, such as the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl and the Challenger space shuttle disaster, have been attributed to poor performance related to shift work. The SolutionsThere are multiple strategies that may help a worker cope with the sleep-wake cycle disturbances resulting from working different shifts. If your sleep-wake cycle does not adjust perfectly with your work schedule, it may be useful to control your shift schedule and your environment, instead. * The number of shifts worked in a row has not been shown to be an important factor in sleepiness.
* Direction in which shifts rotate may be important. Shifts that rotate forward are better tolerated (see Table 1).
* Duration of shifts contribute to the ill effects, the shorter shifts being better tolerated.
* Exposure to bright light (more than 2000 lux, such as the light of 5 standard fluorescent tube bulbs) increases alertness by inhibiting the secretion of a natural hormone called melatonin. Melatonin promotes sleep and its secretion increases in darkness. It is best to maximize light exposure early in a shift and avoid it 6 hours before bed time.
* Strategic napping is one way of getting enough sleep before a shift, and during the shift (if feasible). A nap of no longer than 30 minute can restore functionality. Longer naps tend to lead to sleep inertia or grogginess with awakening.
* Phase shift is another way to manage rotating shifts, as one may intentionally move bed time towards the anticipated shift end time. This can be done if there are a few days off between shift switches.
* Medications
o Caffeine is a stimulant that starts working 30 minutes after consumption. Its effect peaks at 2 hours and lasts for about 5 hours. Problems associated with its use include disruption of subsequent sleep, tolerance, and a diuretic effect that may be dehydrating or becomes a nuisance.
* Sleepiness effects are similar to that of moderate alcohol consumption.
* Several disasters, such as the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl and the Challenger space shuttle disaster, have been attributed to poor performance related to shift work. There are several other remedies suggested to improve tolerance in working shifts. Theses treatments are not well studied and a physician should supervise their use. Some are: * Sedatives (hypnotics) may be used to improve sleep after a shift, but their effect on shift work is unknown.
* Melatonin (sleep rhythm aid): may be used to modify the sleep phase to a new sleep schedule, especially when combined with strategic light and darkness exposure.
* Modafinil (Provigil庐): has been shown to improve vigilance in night shift workers, but to a limited extent. In Summary:Shift work is prevalent in the industrial world, and it鈥檚 associated with sleepiness. Sleepiness may have adverse consequences on the workers鈥?health and on their performance at work. Awareness of this problem is important in preventing these outcomes. The effective remedies available for shift work sleep disorder are controlling the environment, shift manipulation, and, in some cases, medications.Following those few steps may help you cope with shift work: * Keep to the same sleep schedule when your shifts are constant, even on non-work days.
* Have as much exposure to bright light as possible when you need to be alert, and avoid light exposure in the morning after night shift.
* Protect your sleep by eliminating noise and light from your sleep environment (use eye masks and ear plugs).
* Avoid taking caffeine close to bedtime.
* Avoid taking alcohol since it disrupts sleep, even though it may seem to help in falling asleep, initially.
* Nap before work, and if possible on breaks during the shift since any sleep is better than no sleep.
* If you still have problems, contact your physician, or a Sleep Specialist.

What is the safest amount of apap that can be taken in a single dose?

1000 milligrams, up to four times daily. Do not take this much as a long-term solution, though, please see your doctor if you need further pain relief.
In a single dose 1,000 mg. Which is like 2 Extra Strength Tylenol. Or the adult liquid apap for sore throats. This is a single dose no what you can take in a day. In a day you can take up to about 4-5,000mg a day without liver damage. Unless you do it everyday.

What is the rehab like for a mini open incision torn rotator cuff surgery?

appreciate any feedback on partial torn rotator cuff surgery..
The basis of the surgery is relatively simple: re-attach the detached/torn rotator cuff muscle. In addition, most surgeons will remove a spur on the undersurface of the acromion bone that usually has developed in conjunction with the tear (which came first is sort of an orthopedic chicken-and-egg story).After surgery, rehabilitation will be critical to your recovery:First, it will be important to control your pain. Your doctor will prescribe narcotics. In addition, cryotherapy is extremely useful in providing pain relief after surgery. The DonJoy Iceman is the device recommended by many surgeons to help decrease pain after shoulder surgery. For a more portable solution that does not require electricity, consider the PolarCare Cub as a highly effective way to control your pain after surgery. The DonJoy Durakold unit is an economical cryotherapy option.Second, you need to perform the proper exercises to guide your shoulder to recovery. Following your surgeon's plan is very important. Often, you will be sent to physical therapy after surgery to help regain motion and strength. In my experience, however, people who do their therapy at home, in addition to at their therapists office, will have the best and fastest recovery. Your therapist will set up an at home program for you.
it depends on if the tear is small or medium, and which of the 4 rotator cuff muscles is torn (usually supraspinatus) and how up-to-date the surgeon is.If he's doing the mini-surgery, then he's pretty up to date. You will be referred to outpatien physical therapy (or you SHOULD be) and will start off with pendulum exercises, then dowel exercise, arm pulley etc. Shoulders can be hard to rehab, but smaller tears are easiest. It will be several weeks before real resistive exercise is ordered.

What is the recuperation time for a dislocated shoulder?

I play soccer for my school, and at our last game I managed to dislocate my shoulder. This has happened once before, but I managed to set it on the field myself. This time, however, I had to take a trip to the emergency room. It set itself right before X-Rays, and I was sent home. How long will I have to wait before I can play again?
Even at your age, eight weeks would be the appropriate length of time. You might recover further and faster with an injection of cortisone however most doctors would not prescribe it to someone at your age bracket.
It depends 2 months , sometimes never.
I'm not sure. You should ask your doctor! BUT I LOOOOOVE YOUR BEAUTIFUL GRAMMER AND VOCAB. yayayayayayayayay
Take your time please. You need to rest and not put any strain on the shoulder. Sometimes a dislocation can take longer to heal than a fracture. If you have done it before then you are really at risk for permanent damage. What did the doctor tell you?
Open ended question, lacking information. It depends on the amount of damage, torn tendons, chipping of the ball or socket, mussel damage etc. Normal, 2 weeks to get the truma reduced but it could be longer.
Well it must have time to heal if there was any dammage and then the pain may last oven longer than that so I would say It takes about that long and might be longer. If it was just dislocated and no dammage then it might not take so long. Any way you look at it the time will pass and you will be back to doing things.I sure am a lot of help don't you think??

What is the recommended treatment for a sprained neck?

I have really badly sprained my neck. Should I hold it as still as possible or move it gently. Should I be putting ice packs or heat packs on my injured area?
Aim to keep your neck moving as normally as possible. At first the pain may be bad, and you may need to rest the neck for a day or so. However, gently exercise the neck as soon as you are able. You should not let it 'stiffen up'. Gradually try to increase the range of neck movements. Every few hours gently move the neck in each direction. Do this several times a day. As far as possible, continue with normal activities.Painkillers are often helpful. It is best to take painkillers regularly until the pain eases. This is better than taking them now and again just when the pain is very bad. If you take them regularly, it may prevent the pain from getting severe, and enable you to exercise and keep your neck active.
See a doctor! You don't want to mess with the neck, it's too important to mess up.

What is the reason that causes the tips of my fingers to tingle or go numb?

For example, I've noticed that when I eat something sugary after a while my hands willl tingle and my finger tips will go numb a bit- the same thing happens after I eat garlic.
The blood vessels of the fingers are lacking the supply of blood needed in that area, which affects the nerves and causes a tingling feeling or numbness. Tingling of the fingers, usually leads to numbness after some time. The most common reason for tingling/numbness in fingers/hands is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by repetitive motion of hands; such as typing, sewing, knitting, work related use of hands, etc. There are other causes for tingling in the hands/feet, medication being one of them. But, since you mentioned 'eating something sugary,' sounds more like diabetes. Have you had your blood sugar checked lately? Whether low blood sugar, or high blood sugar both are considered to be a form of diabetes. I found some informative links you might want to read through, to see if any of the symptoms apply to you. The correct medical term for this condition is 'peripheral neuropathy.'

Description, cause, and treatment of peripheral neuropathy: Peripheral Neuropathy:

Other causes for tingling/numbness in fingers:
Now might be a good time to visit your family doctor.
Tell him what you posted, and he'll do bloodwork.
Perhaps you are allergic. That's the only advice I can offer. Maybe you should ask a doctor.
It could be a problem with your blood sugar. You may also lack some vitamins and minerals. I had the same problem and it was heavy metal toxins in my blood. Ask you doctor to do extensive blood tests.
There is a condition called Raynaud's syndrome that causes the small blood vessels in the fingers, and sometimes toes to constrict when cold, but it doesn't have anything to do with what you eat. It happens to me if I am handling things in my fridge or freezer, or cold steering wheel. It also happens if I get generally cold-like in air conditioning, and winter is tough. I don't know how your internal thermostat works, but I am one of those people who is always cold, and frequently have numb fingers.
u might be starting to be diabetic .. don't worry .. this is a disease with which u can be friendly .. go and see Ur doctor , and follow exactly what he tells u ,, no matter how hard it is to follow .. It will be very hard at first .. but it will be a very easy to follow way of life , because it is going to be
shoot that is the sing of choloertstorl. you should go see a Dr.

What is the possible reason for getting bluish fingertips and lips?

my fingertips/nails and lips sometimesed a become bluish. my ECG and oxygen are normal but i'm 7 months pregnant as of now so the tests are limited to only the ECG and oxygen. it started way before i became pregnant, and now that i am pregnant, i'm getting worried about my baby and my delivery because, earlier, i don't know if i read it somewhere or watched about it, and it said that if you're experiencing something like that (bluish fingertips/nails and lips), it must be a heart problem. even though my ECG and oxygen are normal, i'm still worried about my baby and my health because tests that should be done to see if it's a heart problem is limited because i'm pregnant. can someone tell me, if it's a heart problem?
You need to tell your obstetrician.However, since your symptoms preceded your pregnancy, it is reasonable to believe it is not related to your pregnancy.The most common cause is congenital, or something you are born with. If you have a small "hole" between your heart chambers, it can cause the symptoms you describe especially when you are doing some physical exertion.If you have insufficiency of your respiratory system, it can cause the same.If you have a condition that otherwise causes a so-called left to right shunt, meaning allowing the blood flow to go from an arterial system to a venous system without going through the heart and lungs, it can cause the same, given time.A qualified physician should be able to perform tests that are not going to affect the baby to determine what is going on.
Frost bite. Stop climbing mountains there buddy.
7 months pregnant, any problems wouldve come up earlier, although blue lips and fingertips? i wouldnt get your alarms raised, but it could be lack in circulation, somewhere
As you suspect it's usually related to not getting enough oxygen. Since you are pregnant you should see your doctor about this ASAP.
I certainly hope you are not smoking. To much alcohol can also cause this. But, it always has to do with oxygen and the heart when that blue becomes present. It does not mean the baby will be affected and if the pro's say things are fine then believe them and get a second opinion.
possible poor circulation and massage therapy is a benefactor to good body maintence.
If you're concerned the safest thing would be to go to the doctor and find out from a porfessional. I was just gonna say that it was cos of lack of circulation but since I read that you're pregnant that makes it different. Is there ot a doctor you could go and see about this?
poor circulation

What is the pain i get on my upper right abdomen when i jog?

is this good or bad?
how can i prevent it?
this never happened before and i've been jogging for 2 straight months already.
it starts to hurt after i've jogged about 1km or more something like that
It is very normal... Try to be consistent with your breathing: like breath in when you step on left and out when you step on your left foot. also make sure you are getting plenty of fluids and enough potassium in your diet. If the pain gets to bad, or you feel it when your not running consult your doctor.
stretch before and after you run!
i think you trying to go to fast to your limits
It's usually gas pains, and probably nothing to worry about. What are your dietary habits? Don't eat a burrito then jog. Exercise should wait at least two hours after a meal, and obviously there should be no alcohol in your system when you jog. Don't let some doctor try to tell you it's a drug treatable "syndrome". That's how they make most of their money nowadays.
If it is muscluar, stretching to warm up your muscles for a good five minutes before you run will help. If it isnt and the pain persists it may be a good idea to get checked out by a doc because of the other organs around that area.

What is the pain i feel on my upper abdomen just below the rib when i jog?

is it good or bad?
i've been jogging for 2 straight months already.and never felt the pain till yesterday..
i'm 15yrs old male
the pain starts after i've jogged about 1.2km.
when i feel the pain i am forced to walk..
NEED your help!! =)
Jared,This phenomena is often called stich in the side and occurs due to over contraction of the diaphram, one of the major muscles of inspiration. Try the breathing technique that was mentioned in one of the previous answers. I breath in through my nose for 2 or two snorts and then out for three through my mouth. It may also be due to running to far to soon, if you did not ramp up to running either by distance or time that could be part of the problem as well.
Over-doing it.try breathing techniques while for 2...out for 3...
Your muscles are giving you a signal that they are being overused. You need to cut back a little bit on your jogging. At night take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts and soak for 30 minutes. This is going to help relax the muscles and give them a chance to recover. If this doesn't help see your medical doctor.
i get that too! it could be fermenting in your muscles meaning you are getting cramps. getting running cramps is completely normal. and dont worry, these kinds of cramps have nothing to do with vava's

What is the one thing on that doesn't get old?

I work in a nursing home and I noticed one thing on the elderly that doesn't get old. Do you know what it is
their sense of humor and love for the past
their hope and love i think.
sense of humor
Their tongues and nails. Although, it all gets old. Tongues and nails just don't look it.
those person who has no problem.always cheerful.

What is the nocebo effect ?

It was a subject-oriented adjective that was used to label the harmful, unpleasant, or undesirable reactions or responses that a subject manifested thus, "nocebo reactions" or "nocebo responses" as a result of administering an inert dummy drug, where these responses had not been chemically generated, and were entirely due to the subject's pessimistic belief and expectation that the inert drug would produce harmful, injurious, unpleasant, or undesirable consequences.In these cases, there is no "real" drug involved, but the actual harmful, unpleasant or undesirable biochemical, physiological, behavioural, emotional, and/or cognitive consequences of the administration of the inert drug are very real.A "classic" example of the nocebo response is someone dying of fright after being bitten by a non-venomous snake.
I think you mean the placebo effect. It is when a dr. gives a person a sugar pill to make them think that they are digesting an actuall pill that will solve their "problem".
A nocebo (Latin for "I will harm") is something that should be ineffective but which causes symptoms of ill health. A nocebo effect is an ill effect caused by the suggestion or belief that something is harmful. The term 'nocebo' became popular in the 1990s. Prior to that, both pleasant and harmful effects thought to be due to the power of suggestion were usually referred to as being due to the placebo effect.see also:

What is the name of this pill?

it is oblong white pill with E145 wrote on one side and nothing on the other side
It's a Relafan (Nabumetone) tablet, 500mg. Which is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), used to treat pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Go to
It sounds like Nabumetone 500 mg tablets(Non-steroidal anti-inflamatory)however, im not a pharmacist, so don't quote me on that...
try taking it to your pharmacy

What is the name for major bones in your arm and legs?

ulna and radius in lower arm humerus upper arm femur upper leg tibia and fibula lower leg
femur in the leg, humerus in the arm
Upper arm...humerus
lower arm...radius and ulnaupper leg...femur
lower leg...tibia and fibula

What is the name for heel pain? planterfestides???

Plantar Fasciitis
The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are: * Pain on the bottom of the heel
* Pain that is usually worse upon arising
* Pain that increases over a period of months
painful! i have had it for two weeks! let me know if u find out, ok?
planter faecia (not sure if I spelled it right but that's what it's called) also called a heel spur.

What is the most painfull but minor thing you can do to yourself?

I just bit my cheek whilst chewing a roll. Yow! How can that hurt so much. What minor injury has caused you the most pain?
The most painful household accident is standing on an upturned plug whilst wearing only socks or being barefoot.
Stubbing my little toe on the bed....argh!!
I cut the toenail on my little toe too low!! Hurts, don't do it
Catching it in your zip.
paper cut...ouch!
poking ur self in the eye with eye liner !!!
Eating something with a fork and then absent-mindedly biting down hard on it. Hurts like freakin hell, and one of my bottom incisor tooth has a chip off it...ah well...
Hot coffee,burnt tongue,no sensation or taste buds left!
I'd say banging your shin. Makes my eyes water every time.
pulling a nose hair out
banging your shin on the corner of a coffee table. ouch!!.
i once caught the index finger on my right hand in the door of my dad's car - the wind slammed the door shut when i was getting out the car.. the pain was really intense - to the point where it made me feel sick. i had a lovely black fingernail afterwards !
Accidently grinding your teeth whilst chewing gum or sweets too energetically. Arrgghh it goes right through me thinking about it!
If you accidently pinch the skin at the back part of the top of your arm, yeow! Pinching skin with zip fasteners or other organs, getting shampoo in your eyes, biting your tongue, banging your head on the corner of an open cupboard or that weird sensation when you yawn and get cramp under your chin and can't close your mouth.
But by far the worse of all is hair removal by waxing!
Once stuck a sewing needle up my fingernail.That hurt.Standing on a marble in your bare feet isn't much fun either.I also "sprang" my thumb right back to my wrist whilst getting up from weeding the garden---that truly was hell!Drawing pin in thumb is not so good.Clumsy lot aren't we.!
I've bitten my cheek while chewing and it does hurt for a few minutes, but it soon passes.I shut the tip of my finger in a door jam. It was sooo painful. The worst pain ever!! The skin wasn't broken, but my finger went a funny colour. The X-ray showed that the very tip of the bone had been snapped of, and this is where all the nerve endings are which enable you to be able to feel, touch etc., and that is why it was so incredibly painful. It took 6 weeks to heal, and I still get twinges.It was years ago, but nothing else has ever come close!
i bit into a carrot a little too energetically once and my top and bottom teeth banged together and chipped my tooth. it didnt hurt as much as other things ive done but the weird sensation nearly made me pass out! still makes me a bit icky. also nearly chopped my finger off with a knife when chopping an onion it slipped and slammed into my index finger, still no feeling around it and that was a year ago!
I got my fingers hit by the hammer while nailing still gives me a chilll ...
Plucking a hair on your finger!! Bet you a fiver you'll be screaming if you try it lol..
Sitting on one of your nuts.
Ouch.just the memory of this brings tears to my eyes, but here goes...I take it everybody remembers THAT scene from "There's Something About Mary".?I did that once.took 10 minutes to extricate myself...ooooh, the memories.
Cutting your Clit when shaving down below... not a personal experience but know some1 who did!! Owwy!
If foil touches a tooth filling.
Taking a plaster off of yourself.I've just come out of hospital after a major operation and pulling the plaster off of my (hairy!) arm was the worst pain I had - it really hurt!
Banging your big toe or even worse your little toe on a coffee table or when opening a doorwith no shoes on! aaaarrrrrgggghhhh the pain!
When you're having a drink (or eating) and that someone makes you laugh, for example. It suddenly goes et get stuck between your throat and your nose.That's painful.
Paper cuts!! Yikes they hurt!!
Paper cut!
Standing up and banging your head on the corner of the cupboard door
Its definately a draw between biting the inside of your cheek whilst eating and stubbing your little toe. both equally as painful as the other and both something that will make you scream bloody murder when you do them!!

What is the most effective way to quit smoking..?

This isnt for me for someone else, how can I get him to quit smoking its such a dirty disgusting habit and its making me sick. We have tried the gum but it didnt work, is there any medical interventions? injections or something? This is for someone who has no will power to quit.
This site will give him the will power and fast. Get him to check it out. It really awakened me when I had quit...http://www.quitnet.comI found the patch worked well for me and I was a hard core smoker. But do check out that site and take the time to poke around it.
I know people who have tried everything from hypnotism to pills to patches to gum. Pretty much every way is hard, but if your friend doesn't have the will power , nothing will help. Take him to an old folks home and let him meet someone with emphysema, struggling for every breath they take and lugging around an oxygen tank, or take him to an oncology ward of any major hospital so he can see someone dying of lung cancer, suffering so much that at the end, death is a relief. I probably sound harsh, but I lost my Mom to lung cancer a year and a half ago, and I miss her every single day. She said once , after chemo that if she had only known , she would never have picked up a cigarette when she was a teenager, that nothing was worth that kind of suffering.
willpower doesn't work very well. however, there is a book that will explain how easy it is to quit. "Easy Way to Quit" by Allen Carr. It works for me.
I do not crave a cigarette hardly at all! It's quite an amazing book. It works by getting rid of the brainwashing that makes people believe its hard to quit, when it really isn't. Plus, you don't even have to stop smoking until you finish reading the book.
It's easy to go all night long without smoking...think about it. So nicotine addiction really isn't all that bad. It's the thought process that makes it seem bad. the book. It's the only thing that worked for me. I was a smoker for 30 years. I went from a pack a day to zero a day with no unpleasantness at all. In fact, I can't figure out why I never did it before! I do not feel I gave up anything. I feel that I have become free from a nasty horrid trap!

What is the most comfortable mattress? Sleep Number? Pillowtop? Serta?

Perhaps I am a tiny bit biased, but the best night's sleep I ever had was after I bought my Sleep Number Bed. I spent four years pole vaulting, and injured my back many times, and on top of that, I have been a contractor for 35 years. With this history, I always keep my eyes and ears open to every conceivable sort of "device" to help my back and neck, so you must know that I wouldn't recommend something about which I didn't have intimate knowledge.
well my mom got a Sleep Number and i love that thing
i think the one with the sheep in it would be nice haaa
sheep are soft
I have tried the Sleep Number and it is nice, but i love my . waterbed!!
Notice that inner spring mattresses, foam mattresses, even the sleep number NEVER compare themselves to waterbeds.
My waterbed has 10 individual bags that you fill to the desired firmness. It can be messy at first, but you can tailor them for each side of the bed. There is very little transfer of motion (can't feel my husband or kids diving into the other side). And I have never ever been cold in my waterbed. It has a pillowtop mattress and is very warm, without a heater.the only drawback ... waterbeds are heavy (can't be upstairs in an older home) and are a total pain to move.

What is the medical reasons for a headache, migraine, cluster etc.?

not counting hypertension, Hyper or hypoglysimic, stroke, exsposure to noxious substance. I want a reason for a healthy, non-obese, no patho reason for pain in the frontal, etc
Pain in the frontal can be due to cough or sinus problem. In general H/A and Migraine have cause of acidity, excessive heat in the body or outside, excessive cold and BLOCKAGE of Vital Energy which can't be treated with any medicine. But acupuncture treats it! Our success in treaeting them is 100% which confirms it.
Many times this blockage disappears naturally; therefore H/A too disappears, but you take pain killers and the credit goes to meds unnecessarily.
A hole in your heart:

What is the meaning of triage in the medical community?

for example a person is assigned to triage unit what do they do.
Triage is used in a hospital to determine the severity of your complaints and is then used by the head nurse to determine what patient is seen first. The most severe cases are always seen first (such as heart patients, accident victims, etc) but if you just go in with just cold symptoms, you wait will be a very long one, as that's not considered "top" priority.
Help determine which cases are most emergent (the worst goes first).
triage is the first entry to determine the seriousness of your is then at this time that the docs/nurses will determine the level you will be for entry...for example.serious injuries that may result in death will go first.if you have the will have to wait.
Triage is used when there are more patients than practioners, particulary in urgent or emergency care. To triage means to "sort" the patients as to who needs to be seen first, who must be seen now and who can wait.If you've ever been to the ER and you've noticed they don't call people in order, then this is why. Typically each hospital has a triage policy to guide the nurses in making these decisions.Hope that helps! Good luck and best wishes!
they decide who needs STAT immediate attention according to the symptoms the patient presents
Triage is the term usually pertaining to disaster scenarios where a large number of injured people must be cared for very quickly, in a short period of time. A supervisor will evaluate each persons' injuries and assign priorities so that the most seriously injured people will be cared for first, in descending order. These priorities are usually assigned with severity of bleeding first, along with issues of breathing difficulty. I used to know a trick acronym taught by Red Cross First Aid, but I can't think of it right now.
Triage is employed in a mass casualty situation. The triage person(s) examine each casualty upon arrival and decides whether this person needs immediate treatment, needs treatment but can be safely delayed while more serious cases are attended to, or is expected to die. It is one of the most important and most stressful of assignments, but in order to successfully aid the most people in time of disaster, it is absolutely as essential as that of the surgeon(s). The triage officer is ideally an experienced trauma physician or nurse.
Triage is a French word for sorting in order of importance.
It was first used in WW1 when Doctor and Medics had to work out who was serious enough to be seen first and who could wait. Some where so lifethreatening but had to be left because it was a waste of time to treat them.
They now use the Triage system in the ER.
Triage 1- Is life threatening emergency. see immediantly.
Triage 2- Is life threatening but can wait for up to 10 or 15 minutes.
Triage 3- Is needs to be seen as soon as possible.
Triage 4- Is non emergency. Needs to be seen as soon as possible.
Triage 5- Is non emergency. Non urgent. Can wait AAAALLLL night. Should have seen your Doctor.
This statement is actually a really good single line summary of what the average triage nurse in virtually every ER in this country is forced to do just about everyday. It’s a scary job to have. In my city on a good day you have about 10 to 15 people at any given time waiting for god knows how long to get to see a doctor. Hopefully none of these people are really too ill and in the end you bank on the fact that usually before anything goes wrong with them, they’re safely inside and being seen, well usually. Did I mention that was a good day?A bad day and more the norm is 30 to 40 people in the waiting room; every bed in the emergency full; not to mention all the trauma rooms in use and 3 ambulances waiting with god knows what for you to pass judgment on. Of course just when you think it can’t any worse the air ambulance radio’s in and announces they’ll be there in 10 minutes.Now about this time any sane person would be pulling their hair out or screaming incoherently at anyone who would listen. But not a good triage nurse! Most of the ones I know will simply take a deep breath and just keep going and do the best they can. All the time knowing that it is entirely possible that someone may die because they had to make them wait. Keep in mind the key statement here “Had to make them wait”, not because they made a mistake in judging the severity of their illness but because they had to make them wait! The funny thing is if some does die in the waiting room, 9 chances out 10 the triage nurse will be the first one named in the law suit, not to mention the less than flattering coverage in the press. Funny though for some reason the legal system doesn’t recognize “No room at the inn” as a valid defense.In addition to those “minor pressures”, you also have to deal with almost continuous phone call from every dumb *** general practitioner who rather than examine a patient sends them to ER because they think they might have appendicitis. If I had a dime for every acute appendix rushed in from a family Doctor who than went home a few hours later with no surgery; well let’s just say I wouldn’t be having to worry the line ups at the emergency unit, I’d be sitting on the beach of my private island!But wait, it gets better! Haven’t got enough phone calls and paramedics screaming for your attention; than there is the endless line up at the window of the patients who managed to come to the hospital under their own power! Of course hidden at random in that cross section of humanity is the person who really thinks the toe he stubbed two weeks ago is more important than the little 87 year old lady in front of them who either can’t speak English to tell you she’s having crushing chest pain, or she is simply to polite to make a fuss. Did I mention the visitors? Those kind souls who come to visit their usually over reactive friends (a great example of birds of a feather) who love to announce that they “know their rights” and they don’t have to follow the rules of the hospital or good manners when you tell them they can’t come in right now.Of course still stinging from the humiliation they have heaped upon you, than you get to deal with the pissed of person whose been in the waiting room for god knows how long. Who may or may not have a legitimate problem and in a brilliant display of logic decides if the visitor can do it why can’t I? So they launch in to an eloquent verbal tirade in front of the entire waiting room plus a good number of your co-workers using language that would make your average Texas prison guard blush.Think this is me over stating the point? It’s not, I’ve had days like that. It’s one the reasons why I don’t do triage anymore! I’m lucky, my last two nursing managers understand that some people just can’t do triage and doesn’t push the issue. Not every emergency unit is lucky enough to have enlightened managers.Let me be clear here! Not doing triage anymore is not reflection of a lack of skill on my part. Trust me when I say this! When it comes to making decisions in regards to who goes where, or what’s wrong with that patient, I’m the best or at least in the top 10 percent. For me I don’t do triage because I have a character flaw, a short coming of sorts. You see despite my best efforts to control my body language for some reason people rapidly figure out I have problems tolerating being abused and bullied by people. I have actually had a person step back from the window because of the way I looked at them when they started to lip off to me. Despite what you may think, this is not something I’m proud of! I view it as a failure on my part and one more indication of what a crappy nurse I really am.Several unit clerks who sit near the triage once told me that when I was on the job they used to have bets about how long it would be before I would politely but directly read someone the riot act. I found out later they apparently also had side bets regarding how long it would be before I simply lost it and pulled someone through the paper slot in the not so bullet proof glass that is supposed to protect us from aggressive patients, or is it the other way around? There are other reasons for me not doing triage anymore, the lack of support and understanding from the people who should know better would be one of them.These last three paragraphs have not been about me blowing my own horn. Well, maybe a little! They have been to let you know that I am talking from real experience. So when I tell you the next time you come to the hospital and you think the triage nurse is ignoring you! Or being rude because he or she didn’t smile enough! Or they forgot to tell you they’re name! Or any of the other half assed reasons people like to come up with when they complain about the treatment they got at the hands of the triage nurse, than perhaps you’ll remember this little essay and this final little word of advice:Give the people at the window a break! Believe it or not they are trying to help and they do care.I’ll tell you one more thing, they’re better nurses and better people than I will ever be!

What is the maximum dosage of motrin that can be taken at one time?

For an adult 800 mg. is the highest dosage I've taken. (which is 4 regular strenght motrin-200mg each)
If it is for a child, I would follow the directions for dosage to the letter. If it is for an adult, I usually take one extra pill. That stuff can mess with your liver over time. So even if you double the dosage and feel no immediate effects, it can really be messing with your internal organs.
600-800 mg is prescription strength for adults. It's not sold over the counter in higher doses because people with liver problems shouldn't take it.

What is the matter with me?

I went to the ER today cause I feel like I am breathing through a straw (not all the time) just every now and then. This has been going on for 2 days. Anyways they told me that I have bronchitis and I totally diagree. I am not coughing no fever nothing other than the breathing and my head feels like its floating or in another word feels like alittle pressure is on my head. Anyone have any clue whats up with me. Or what kind of test I should consider telling my doc?
A fever and coughing are not necessary to have bronchitis. If you feel they are wrong. Go to the doc and don't mention what the ER said. It could be bronchitis. Without knowing your family and personal history, it is impossible to say.
Ive had bronchitis before and didnt feel badly for about a week then I went to the doctor and he said I'd had it about a week. I think its one of those things that hides for a week then makes you feel badly. Doctors arent wrong very often, but if you really disagree and are established with a primary care dr then go see him/her and see what he has to say.
you dont have to have a fever and be coughing to have bronchitus take the meds and see how you feel afterwards if it isnt better in a few days then go to your doctor.
Asthma would be the next thing I'd look at if I were you.There are other things that could be causing it, but asthma is probably the most common.Doc *practice* medicine. I say that because is it not a cut and dry science a lot of the time. Some docs are better than others, and some know more about certain things than others. This is why it's always a good idea to go to another doc if you don't get a satisfactory answer from the first doc.
Sorry you feel so miserable. The diagnose "Bronchitis" means "inflammation of the bronchioles". In other words, whether you are coughing or not, or without fever, does not change the diagnose. Trust the Docs... they have nothing to gain by mis-diagnosing you or lying to you. You have already been told you have Bronchitis...a upper-respiratory infection. It makes sense to me that your sinuses might also be involved or .."sinusitis"...thus your light headed feeling and pressure, sometimes the middle ear can also be effected, causing vertigo/dizziness. Try some hot steamy showers, drink some hot drinks, it may help to loosen your chest. Time will no doubt heal you. Of course, see the MD if you feel worse. Good Luck!
Try sleeping with an extra pillow under you at night. this may lift the pressure. If you have had augmentative surgery, mabye the pressure from that is the problem. What i would do is boil water, put in a bowl, stick your head under a towel and put over the bowl. it might help to put some herbs like peppermint or tea tree or lavender oil in. breathe it and it may open your sinuses and stop the strange breathing.
ah let's try this one solution.stop smoking that cheech man. lol! jk dude!
sounds serious though :(

What is the long term effect of Celebrex ?

Long term effects would be water retention, increased blood pressure, and stomach ulcers. If you are asthmatic, over time, Celebrex could also make asthma worse.
Here are some of the side effects of using this drug for long periods of time. Celebrex has recently been found to increase the risk of heart attack by a factor of 2.5 compared with older nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Common Celebrex side effects include cold-like symptoms (fever, sore throat, sneezing, cough), skin rash, swelling in the extremities.Less common Celebrex side effects can include burning sensation in chest or stomach, chest congestion, diarrhea, decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, flu-like symptoms (muscle aches, weakness, nausea, chills), stomach tenderness, indigestion, back pain, or runny nose.Although these side effects are rare, they are known to happen. Contact your doctor immediately if you suffer from any of these side effects: anxiety, susceptibility to infection, constipation, breathing problems, breast problems, eye infection, cataract, dermatitis, diabetes, difficult urination, sweating, numb or tingling fingers or toes, ear infection, fungal infection, hepatitis, inflamed digestive tract or bladder, kidney stones, skin sensitivity or increased reaction to sunlight, tendonitis, hair loss, laryngitis, menstrual difficulties, herniated stomach, migraine, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, leg cramps, or nosebleeds.
Celebrex has the same long term effects as any nsaid does ibuprofen aspirin etc. such as ulcers, stomach bleeding, things like this, they give you an insert with the medication that should list all of the answers to your questions.
In My case, the long term effects caused me problems with my stomach. The doctor had to put me on an acid reflux medciation for peptic ulcers. These are the only side effects I experienced

What is the fastest way to reduce the swelling caused by a bad ankle sprain?

Ice pack on 20 minutes and off 20 minutes for at least 2 hours. Also take an anti inflamatory like aleve or Ibuprofen. Make sure to stay off of it as much as possible and keep your foot proped up about the height of your heart or higher. If you do need to walk on it remember toe touch weight bering or the swelling will go right back up and possibly be worse.
ice and aleve
Ice :)
Ice, seperating the ice fromt he skin with a damp towel- 10 minutes on then 10 minutes offtake some anti-inflammatories after eating (i-bprofen or aspirin)Then elevate it, above your heart to reduce blood flow to the area.
Keep your foot elevated and keep putting ice on it and this may sound crazy but take either Pamprin or Midol for the pain and swelling. It's a pain reliever, muscle relaxer, and it reduces swelling.
You should compress the site by ice bag.

What is the fastest way to make Lortab work? Chewing it?

What is the fastest way to make Lortab work? Chewing it?
That will certainly work... Not working fast enough for you??
you can chew it but it tastes nasty, people say it works faster but i dont think it lasts as long as it would if you swallowed it. if you want it to last longer than i would swallow it but if not then just chew it up.
Yes, chewing it would make it work faster. It would help it absorb into your bloodstream faster, but it will taste like butt.It will not last as long that way though.
I just want him to pay
for my treatment facility,
let him make it
a wedding gift to me
there is one in Cottonwood, by TucsonI'm severly sick,
I don't have a regular depression,
it's a chemical imbalance
that goes down
when I'm under the stressit's same like diabetics or cancer,
ask the therapist,
brain is an organ like a heart
or something elselet it be my
Wedding Gift,
I do request it!It's a short talk!
I don't want to explain it
any more, please!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is the fastest way to get ride of a Canker Sore on the tip of your tongue?

I have a canker sore on the tip of my tongue, it's really painful and it won't heal beacuse your mouth is always moist. Although I'm not quite sure it's a Canker Sore because I bit my tongue while sneezing a couple of days ago, and thought I got a sore from it, but now I think it might be a canker sore because it's white on the tip, and very painful, and it hurts to talk and eat. Can someone help me?!?!
Yes I can help. I had one of those just a few days ago and I did the same thing you did, I sneezed and bit the tip of my time. Yes it hurts like H***. The fastest way i have found to Cure and relieve that pain is to stick out your tongue and dry it real well. When it is dry, apply peroxide on a qtip a few times. Do this at least twice a day. It will eventually go away and takes about 2 days to heal, after applying the Peroxide.

What is the fastest way to get a fever?

WIth the old mercury thermometers, if you rapidly rubbed the silver tip back and forth on the sheets, the friction would create heat and would cause the temp to go way up. Don't know how that works with newer thermometers. (Sorry, I'm not a kid anymore.)You brought back a lot of memories though! Good luck.
but sorry. i dont the fastest way, or really any way
You are trying to get a fever?? Are you trying to fake sick from school? Get a hot damp rag and lay it on your face - Do that a handful of times until you look sick.
run and get some ice or cold water
This is a silly question. I don't really know but I'm guessing letting all the blood rush to your head and possibly making yourself really hot by doing so. Good luck with that...
Rub some garlic in your underam and wait

What is the effect when you don't get enough sleep?

hmm... i'd say irritability, grogginess, inability to focus or perform minor tasks, loss of ability to enjoy doing things that you normally enjoy... and did i mention irritability? if you continue to lose sleep for a prolonged period of time, it can seriously affect health and weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to health problems such as viruses, etc.
ugly bags under your eyes
Bad attitude and dark baggy eyes
Memory loss, low concentration levels, fatigue, increased stress, etc...
your health, skin, weight,etc..

What is the easyst bone in your leg/ankle to break?

and how can you break it? how bad will it hurt?
well a ankle is very dad walked in a ditch the wrong way and almost broke it it was realy bad.the pain was very bad .my dad was crying it hurt so bad .so know what your getting into..jump from like 5 steps and on your way on landing keep your ankle in an aquward will brake.(sorry for bad spelling)
I don't know anyone who's ever broken a bone on purpose. so I don't know how "easy" it is to do. Most of the people I've known who've broken body parts did it by falling off of things or getting into accidents involving cars.
tibia is the bone in the leg that can be broken by twisting your leg.this can be prety serious that will imobilises you for 6 weeks.
fibula and malleolus
Calcaneus.Stomp your heel onto a hard surface...or smack it with a hammer.
You can break the 5th metatarsal in your foot very easily. But, it causes excruciating pain. Walk off of a step while turning your footinward but step on the outside park while falling, and don't use your hands to brea the fall. YOU ARE STUPID if you try it...I heard there is less pain in a tatoo.
you will regret it later. being stuck in a cast for 6 weeks is no fun and if you are lucky... it wont require surgery for doctors to add metal titanium pins to hold the bone together in place while it heals. once a bone breaks you will always feel it during wet damp or cold weather. it will hurt like fiddle sticks! I strongly advise comming up with a better excuse for not having to particapate in PE class or a sport. YOu seem very young. Dont do it

What is the easiest way appart from pain killers to relive my period pains while im at college?

A heating pad, and believe it or not exersise. If you get moving it stops cramps! I suggest walking.
Pain killers are a good option... but if you don't want to use them wheat sacks are suppossed to work really well too. Good Luck!
try avoiding caffeine and try taking less sodium..
If you don't want to take good ol' midol or pamprin, try exercising. I've found that if I exercise even the smallest bit each night that I'm on my period, it seems to help. (It may just be a placebo type of effect because you're focusing on something else- but hey, it still works for me =)
I found that by taking my calcium my pain was reduced. Also, reducing salt the week before seemed to help.
hurm... drink lot of softdrink I think
Hot water bottles. Long baths.
Herbal teas, such as chamomile, mint, raspberry, and blackberry, may help soothe tense muscles and anxious moods.
Exercise. Regular workouts decrease the severity of cramps.
Below are some useful home remedies for period pain:* Drink a glass of milk with a half-teaspoon cinnamon every night to relieve cramps. * Drink parsley, beet, carrot, and cucumber juices on a regular basis to relieve cramps. * Have massage of lobelia extract into any area that is cramped. * Also drink a tea of red raspberry leaves to prevent and reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Many other sites have good information on home remedies for pain
Apply a hot water bottle to your abdominal area. Also try Pamprin. You start taking it several days before your period starts. It will relieve some of the bloating and lessen the discomfort.
get yourself a hot bottle from the chemist or a bargain store. fill it with hot water and place it on your abdomen
Please consut a Homeopath with all the details of your symptoms. It can be treated just with few doases of medicine.
I heard my friends said that they took primrose oil one tablet a day and it helped them from getting cramp. I have never tried it myself because I went to see the chinese doctor and took chinese herb instead. It works for me, don't have to suffer again.
Get on birth control which usually shortens your cycles.
I take Black Cohosh, its a herbal extract in liquid form which really helps with periods pains. You have to take it for awhile,like a teaspoon everyday I think it is, but it really does help.When your period comes around it doesn't hurt half as much! Thats a kind of long term option though, in the short term pain killers are the only thing I can think of. A good combination is pain killers and a hot water bottle,but if you're in college during the day you couldn't really do that! If your pains are really bad then just take the strongest pain killer you can get without prescription, Solpadene is a godsend!

What is the dose for children taking phenergan gel?

You can not give a chile ANYTHING for nausea. It will give them a grand mal seizure. And make the vomiting worse.If it was for an allergy then it would be 10mg.If you had got this from the Doctor there would have been instructions on the bottle or pack.If you are giving it to her for vomiting, because you think it will help. DONT!If it is that bad go to your Doctor or ER.
I believe it goes by weight not age
take no advice from here and go call your pharmasist. thats a narcotic.

What is the doc who gives people medicine when having surgery?

The Anaesthetist is the one who always prescribes post op pain relief.They are not only responsible for keeping you pain free and unconscious during surgery, but carry over the care into Recovery Ward.But your Doctor may order some to on top of the other orders.
Anestetheologist (sp?)
do you mean the anesthesiologist
anesthetist or anesthesiologist.
an anaesthetist
maybe a nurse annititis they help in the surgical procedures also excuse my spelling, I'm just a nurse
i sure ur refering to an anesthesiologist or anesthetist, as some one has already mentioned... but its not exactly anesthesia is to subdue the nervous system to reduce pain and sensation during an operation.. it can also cause unconciousness.. anesthesia can also be local,of a specific area for smaller area surgeries.

What is the diffrence between a crushed bone and a fractured bone?

I crushed my cuboid bone by dropping 2600 pounds on it along with a severe fracture to the 5th metatarsal. I cant find any info on the diffrence between a crush and a fracture
Crush is a variety of fracture which is the overall term for any break in the continuity of bone(classic definition of a fracture).
Take a pretzel and snap it in half. That would be a break. Now hit the pretzel with a hammer. Crush.
Crushed it is when something actually will make your bone flat and into pieces and fractured is when it is a clean snap
a crushed bone is very hard to heal and is in many different peices.a fractured bone is like a crack in it .they healy very quicklyand are easy to fix.also crushed bones some time lead to aputation.
Take a piece of chalk and break it in half that is a fracture.Now take one piece of that chalk a pound it with a hammer thats crushed. get it?

What is the difference between vicodin and tramadol?

I have been taking vicodin for a while for back pain/headaches. I am thinking about switching to tramadol because it is cheaper and easier to get. What is the difference between the two?
Vicodin is a combination of Tylenol and Hydrocodone bitartrate which is an opioid analgesic and antitussive with unknown mechanism of action but it is thought to be related to the presence of opiate receptors in the central nervous system. It has an action similar to those of codeine which mostly involve the CNS and smooth muscle .Tramodol is a centrally-acting opioid analgesic that exerts its effect through the inhibition of norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake .Both are used for acute and chronic pain, and both have addiction potential. If your MD is prescibing these medications for you, either should be readily available at your pharmacy. Take precaution whe using Vicodin, because of the Tylenol content. Tylenol is toxic to the body if you take an excessive of 3000-4000mg per day. Also, I would suggest you talk to your MD about non-narcotic medications that may prevent you fom getting headaches. Beta blockers, Tricyclic antidepressants, Valproic Acid, Calcium channel blockers and Topamax are all known to have some measure of effectiveness in preventing chronic daily headaches. As with any medication, please use with caution, and under the supervision of an MD.
why switch?...
get hydrocodone,same as vicodin but the generic version.
Why is it easier to get both require a prescription. you can get generic vicodin .just like tramadol is generic for ultram.but both can be addictive
Yes, you will have withdrawl symptoms if you discontinue Vicodin. Taper your dose slowly, and take the Tramdol as prescribed. You can take them together, it works pretty well. I took Tramdol for a while with OxyContin, but I had to discontinue the Tramdol due to seizures. No one connected the two until my third seizure.

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