Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is wrong with my Knee :(?

I played football on sunday for my team and some one tackled me i went full force onto my left knee i continued to play on but now it's really painful it hurts when i walk up stairs and once i've been in a position for a long time and go to bend it it really really hurts. I dont really want to get it checked out because last time i did they just said have some parcetamols please help ?
i had a torn acl surgery about 3 years ago. if it is just painful, you probably just strained it or even bruised the knee. if you had torn ligaments you would know, your knee would be popping out of joint. give it a few weeks to see if the pain goes away. ice it up for 20 minutes at a time, elevated, and stay off of it as much as possible. i waited 3 years till i went to the doctor, and he said it didn't mater if i had the surgery wright away or years later. give it sometime and see what happens. you will know if something internal is wrong, you know yourself better than anyone else.
mostly likley strained. WRAP IT UP, ICE IT AND STAY OFF OF IT. if that doesn't help in a day or two see your allopathic doc. they are good for this kind of thing.
Visit a doctor as soon as possible!!!
if you do not want to go to the doctor...
massage gently- try tiger balm. Are you able to move your knee and leg normally even though it is painful? It will heal if you " baby it" and limp around for a couple of weeks. Keep it warm and don't play football for a while.
it could be runnners knee.
see a docter.
take ib profin for three days.
ice after physical activitys.
good luck.!

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